Chapter 24🥀

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"I love you," He says. His voice harsh.

Is he kidding? "Listen to me very carefully, Darren. I thought I was going to get killed. Do you understand? How on earth did you know I was going to be there?"

"I didn't know. I was about to park the car to go to your dorm to talk to you when you just came out of nowhere so I stopped the car and you walked in so I thought I should drive us away from everyone so we could finally have privet and honest conversation with each other." He says.

"oh my god. You have to move on. get over yourself. You can't do this to people. I was so close to calling the police. You scared the fucking shit out of me you asshole" I yell at him.

"Why won't you give me a second chance?" Is he serious? I take a step closer to him and I want to fucking punch him.

"Are you serious?" I half-whisper. I take a deep breath when I see his hurt face trying to get myself together, "Why won't I give you a second chance? When we were still together you cheated on me with Blake. At Alex's birthday party you forced yourself at me.  A few weeks ago you slept with Maya, my best friend. You are literally talking to me right now because you kidnapped me." My voice is cold. As it should be.

"But I did all that because I love you." He is crying now.

I want to shout at him. "Darren, Just, stop. I'm going to call someone to pick me up. And we are never going to talk again. If you will get anywhere near me, I am not kidding I will call the police. So just, please. Stop." I say.

I look at him one last to make sure he understood what I just said, and I walk away.

I open my phone and I call Shawn.

"Hello?" He answers on the second ring.

"Hi, there's been a mistake and I got into someone else's Uber." I lie, I don't want him to get all mad and worried. We only have a week together. "So I just got off in the middle of the road. I'm just going to order a cab or something, ok? I didn't want you to worry. Sorry about the Uber"

"You know what, I'll just take my manager's car and I'll come and pick you up. I want to see you already. Send me your location." he says. My heart glows.

"Let's focus on communication..." I sing and I start giggling.

"Sorry." I feel so silly. "I'll send you my location.." there is an awkward silence. That was a stupid move. " I miss you," he says giggling.

"I miss you too, Bye" I hang up and I sand him my location. I look backward to see that Darren already drove away... and I'm all alone. In the middle of the road and It's starting to get dark.

I'm starting to panic after the whole Darren thing. I'm proud of myself for not crying.

I just put on some music on my phone, and I wait for Shawn to come by. After 10 minutes or so, a car stops next to me. I can't see who was in the car, is it Shawn? I take a step backward. No way I'm doing that mistake again. I play the music on higher volume hoping it will distract me.

The guy walks out of the car. Please don't kill me. I take a few more steps backward. Don't look so suspicious, you stupid. I look up to see the guys face and for a minute I'm shocked, He's really here.

I run to him and I jump on him, my hands holding his face and my legs wrapped around his waist, hugging him like I never hugged anyone before, Literally. I have never hugged anyone like this before.

I feel safe in his arms. I let him go standing in front of him, pull my face up so I can look at him And before I know it, my mouth is on his and we are kissing.

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