Group Interrogation

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Ashley's gentle hand shakes me to consciousness, as I wearily sit up.
'Hey, Ash, what's up?'
'I-I think you need to see this.' She stutters, her usually collected voice now panicked. Uneasy, I get to my feet, as I get changed in to a black t-shirt and black thigh-length shorts. Opening the splintered door, Ashley motions for me to follow her. A video was playing, when horror crawled through me. It was us last night, but we were being filmed. Just on the balcony opposite us,the entire night, a camera had been staring at us. When a voice echoes from what sounds like the back of the room.
'I don't know why Tony wants us to do this, they're just a bunch of kids.'
A closer voice says back.
'I don't know either, but Stark seems hellbent in knowing them.'
My jaw drops. The Avengers were watching us, Tony Stark was watching us. Oliver emerges from the kitchen.
'We have to go to the tower, destroy the evidence. They know where we are, they'll get closer. I know they will.' His voice sounded panicked and paranoid, each word sharpened with worry. Damien rolled his eyes whilst walking past him.
'As much as I want to agree with you, they won't get closer. They just want information.'
'But I definitely think we need to that video. It has our identities and our location on it.' I interject, staring out of the window.
'So it's settled, we'll go tonight, 2am.' Ashley planned.

Moonlight dimly flowed through my room, as I suited up once more. With one simple addition, a small black choker. Whilst it may just look like a typical accessory, this was my way of alerting the others if I was hurt or separated.

Outside of the tower, we all scaled the building. Holding on to the windowsills , we finally got up on to the roof.
'Holy shit.' The words escaped my lips, as I look out over the edge, vertigo immediately flooding my senses. The drop was sure to be lethal, as the air chilled my skin.

We dropped down on to the balcony, as Oliver quickly picked the lock. The luxurious living room was spaced but still somehow full. Priceless objects were displayed along the wall.
'This is definitely the Avengers, as pretentious as ever.' Damien utters, his eyes glinting in distaste at the artefacts.

We made our way to the lab, where a huge screen hung from the clean white wall. Damien hurriedly made his way to the camera that lay on the table at the back. Oliver stood guard with Ashley at the door. My breathing finally slowed, when a sudden crash echoed from the halls.
'Shit! Everyone get down!' Oliver warmed as the door swung open.
It was too late, as every single avenger I could name and more flooded in to the room. We retreated in to the back of the lab, all of our hands poised, ready to fight. Captain America spoke, his creased pyjamas clinging to him.
'Who are you, and what're you doing in our lab?'
We all blink at each other, scrambling for an excuse.
I confidently answer.
'We're just a dream, man.' Damien facepalmed at my stupid reply, as a dishevelled Stark threatened.
'You're going to come with us, and you're going to go quickly and quietly!'
Damien sighs and calmly comments.
'I would be scared, if you weren't in your duckling pyjamas or still half-asleep.' He gestured to the teenage-looking boy on the end who was barely awake.
'Swear to god, just come with us.'
The one with the metal arm snarled, as he pointed a small knife at Damien. Without hesitation, I put him back in his place with telekinesis and growled at him.
'Don't you even fucking dare.'
Oliver tried to speak, but all that came out was heavy breathing and stutters. He was having a panic-attack, and the Avengers watched in a almost sorry but tense stare as we all hugged him. I consoled him, rubbing his back.
'Don't worry, we won't let them hurt you. They won't even touch you, ok?' Ashley continued from me.
'You're okay, just take some deep breaths. In...and out....There you go!' Damien stood protectively in front of us, ready to strike any of them.
'T-Thanks guys...' Oliver exhaled, his breathing finally calming.
I walked back next to Damien, as we all stood in a tight line. Tony told his team, a hint of guilt in his voice.
'Take them in.' Captain America walked towards us, as the iron-arm-man came from the other side.
'Come on guys, let's not make this harder than it had to be.' He said, raising his hands in front of us.
'Damien, What's the plan?'
'I don't have one, shit, shit, I'm sorry.' He yelled, hands on his head.
'Ashley, you got anything?' I call out, maintaining harsh eye contact with Iron-Arm.
'Nothing, guys come on let's just let them take us in.' She admitted.
'I'm not being taking in by 98 year old men...' I growl, when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
'Come on, kid.' Captain America soothed, his eyes glinting with remorse. Iron-Arm put his hand on my other shoulder, as I felt the memories rush back.
'Shit, shit! Damien, Ash, Oliver don't let me hurt them!' I collapse on to my knees and hands, the memories of torture and pain pushing me down. Shaking violently, I choke out.
'Don't... h-hurt them, just hurt me. P-Please.' I beg to the floor, sucking in air. Whispers and screams circulate in my head, killing me all over again. I hear Oliver roaring at the two men who triggered it.
'Jesus Christ, what are you two doing to her!' I feel his hands picking me up to my feet.
'O-Oliver, it's worsening, I can feel it coming back. I don't want to hurt anybody, please don't let me hurt anybody.' I sob in to his shoulder. My vision fuzzing out, everything returns to the ever-cold darkness.

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