Chapter 25- Thank u, next

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um sorry for being awol, i broke up with my boyfriend and not because i was bored lmaoooo. i just needed more from him that he couldn't give. 


on with the story. 

Something moved on my chest, oddly heavy and fluffy. I groaned, pushing the thing off my chest and rolling over. 

"FUCK" A voice yelled, strangely male and familiar. My eyes cracked open and struggled to put two and two together, especially since it was an ungodly hour in the morning. I glanced at the clock on my wall.

It was ten. Again, an ungodly hour. 

I rolled over and my heart stopped. Dreading the face I knew I would see. A mop of dark hair rose from the ground, large hands rubbing his forehead before revealing a pair of stormy eyes I knew too well. Nikhil glared at me from beneath the hair that covered his eyes- Dear God he was cute? 

His eyes widened as we stared at each other, both unwilling to say what was clearly the elephant in the room. My fat mouth opened but before I could say something that would both be embarrassing and awkward, he placed a hand on my mouth, closing his eyes. He seemed to be listening to something only he could hear and I began to wonder- were they voices? Were there voices in his head that told him to be angry?

Nikhil stood and I basked in the silent glory at the mere beauty of his body. My eyes wandered down and I choked, looking at the seemingly huge tent in his pants.

He raised a brow before choking himself, beating his chest (though it looked like he wanted to beat his meat) and running out of the room faster than I could have given an appropriate wolf whistle. 


What a fucking sight. I sighed and stretched, vaguely aware that that was the best sleep I had had in a while. Too long in fact. I scratched my head and grabbed some clothes to get changed into after a shower, pushing the image of Nikhil's...friend out of my head.

He was such a big friend. 

After my shower I walked down to the kitchen, rubbing my hands over my face in order to get really awake. Nikhil was downstairs and munching on some disgusting looking food that was probably his extremely healthy oats. 

Honestly, I wanted to look fit, but the diet was just too gross. I wanted to still have tastebuds by the time I was twenty five. 

"Is ...Barnabas coming over today?" Nikhil murmured, eyes slightly narrowing as he glanced at me. I shrugged, grabbing a bowl of leftover spaghetti and chucking it in the microwave.

"He's leaving tonight so probably. Why?"

Nikhil's eyes were suspiciously intense on his oats. He shrugged a shoulder, which was very not-Nikhil, then stood and put his bowl in the dishwasher, stopping when he got near me. He was so warm. My cheeks warmed  at the memory of waking up next to him and I grinned, knowing he was thinking the same thing when his stormy gaze locked on mine. 

"Have a good day Circe." Nikhil turned around and practically ran out the door, barely stopping to grab his backpack and leaving the room. 

I stared after him, putting a hand to my cheek. 



I was halfway through a reading when Barnabas came over. Maria was doing her own thing and painting somebodies pan, but opened the door for him anyway. She paused as he said hello, her eyes boring into his face.


He walked past her and plopped down on the couch in front of me, a bright smile on his face. 

"Are you actually studying?"

I closed my textbook and threw it at him, chuckling when he caught it just before it hit him in the head. 

"Not anymore." 

He grinned. "Do you want to go roller skating? There's a rink near here and my dad said he used to make my mom go just so he could laugh at her fall over." 

Well the apple really didn't fall far from the tree. 

"Sure. You're paying though."

He rolled his eyes and pulled me up from the sofa, propelling me outside the door and falling into step beside me. 

We made it to the skating rink in record time, pushing through the throngs of children who were obviously here for some kid's birthday. They glared at us, as did their parents, when Barny shot a heart-stopping smile at the poor girl who had the fate of working the till that day. 

She actually swooned. 

"You wouldn't mind letting me and my sister get through a bit early would you?"

The girl's eyes barely came to me. She just nodded and smiled dreamily at Barnabas, handing us our skates and a piece of paper that no doubt had her number. Barnabas winked at her and put the paper in his pocket before turning to me with that blinding smile. 

"Are you ready to be made a vine?"

I scoffed, quickly tying up my laces. 

"Are you ready to be made fun of?" 

He narrowed his eyes at me and as expected, gracefully glided onto the rink like he had been skating since Jesus was born. He waited for me to get up from the chair I was currently glued to, spinning three times with perfectly executed balance just to piss me off. 

"Come on little bambi." 

I sighed and stood, managing to skate past him and into the middle of the rink without falling on my ass first. His eyes widened at my faux confidence, no doubt thinking that I already knew how to skate. 

I moved my legs as normally as I could, keenly observing the people around me who actually knew what they were doing. It couldn't be that hard...right?

"You're actually doing better than I thought you would have!"

"Suck my fat dick Barny-boy." 

He laughed and skated beside me, hooking his arm through mine and pulling me around the rink. To be real honest, he practically dragged me around the rink because I just let my legs fall from under me after I realized he was going to support me the whole way around. 

It was nice. 

" this like a date?"

I raised my eyebrows and looked up at him. He kept his gaze solemnly forward, pretending he had to navigate his way around more people than there really was. 

"Do you want it to be?"

He kept silent and guided us both off the rink floor and to a secluded pair of seats to sit down. 

"Are you with that Nikhil guy?" 


Barnabas looked at me, green eyes watching every movement on my face.

"Do you want to be?" 

What a question. I sat back in my chair and ran a hand through my hair, thoughts racing through my mind that threatened to overwhelm. I took a breath and reminded myself to just answer his question. That was really all I could do.  

"I don't know."

He moved forward, putting his hands on mine and pulling me closer to him. His face was so near mine I could see every fleck of mossy green in his pretty eyes, every inch of his smooth skin.

"Do you want to be with me?"


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