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Chapter Fifteen

"The one and only," she replied, her voice venomous.

I avoided any sort of eye-contact with her, afraid I might be 'blocked' again like I was last week.I could still see her from my peripheral vision though, her expression switched from a composed, calm one to the furious expression she had on her face last week.

Then, in the middle of the parking lot, and faster than any human would notice, she grabbed my wrists and tossed me on her back, heading towards the woods that were only half an hour away, and that's in human pace. I felt the anger level rise instead of fear; she was no more stronger than I was, hopefully.

"What do you want from me?" I hissed, truly angry. She put me down on the grass then. I had to stay focused on a tree so she wouldn't be able to do anything to me. Not mentally at least.

"Oh, dear Nessie-" I cut her off, doing the worst mistake ever; looking at her.

"Don't call me Ness-" before I could even continue, I lost it again. Stupid mistake!

"Oh, okay, Nessie," she grinned evilly, "So you wanted to know why I'm here?" she asked as she sat down in front of me. Well, DUH!

"Ummm...let's see," she faked a 'thinking' expression, "You were born, the Volturi found out about us because of you and came searching for my father, Joham, and killed himThat's why I'm here!" she got up, still facing me, "I probably was the only one attached to my father; my brothers and sisters never really liked him. But I did; my mother died and he was all I had in life. He loved me, maybe because of my powers but he loved me and you took him away!" She yelled, as she stared at me once again. I was 'unblocked'. Wow. So she could control that, too, huh?

"The Volturi would have found out sooner or later!" I snapped.

"It doesn't change the fact that you were the reason behind this!" she said as she lifted me up, her hands on my shoulders and hit my back, so hard that it clicked, to a tree," I wanted to make you feel what I feel, to take your family away from you. But, then, I knew I might not succeed, even with my gift; they're the second largest coven. So, instead, I thought that you could make a pretty good alternative; your parents would feel it."

My shoulders were stinging a little, that I could tell.

"Stay away from them! It's me who you want!" I yelled. I couldn't even imagine my family getting hurt. And because of me.

"That's what I'd been saying," she smiled as she said that.

Her grip tightened around my shoulders that I could smell my own blood perfectly. She was already half-way to my neck when I heard a growl from behind her.

I looked over her shoulder to find Daddy, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rose and Momma standing there, their eyes burning with fury.

"Stay away from her!" Daddy hissed. She looked at all of them for a moment and said,

"Make me!" All of them froze at that moment, "Oh, if I'd known I could make that happen, I would've attacked them first. Interesting," she whispered to herself. Then, her eyes flickered back to me.

In a second, her teeth were sank in my neck, sucking my blood. She seemed to really enjoy it for a second.

Blackness was replacing my vision more and more every second.

"And I thought that would be hard..." she whispered in my ear.

You can do this, Renesmee, you can get away. You can do this...I kept chanting to myself, thinking of a way to release myself from her grip. Then, I had an idea. I wasn't one-hundred percent sure it'd work, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Renesmee Cullen: Rising Sun *COMPLETED* WATTY AWARDS 2012Where stories live. Discover now