Chapter 20

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Katsuki awoke to an empty space beside him. "Eiji?" He said in confusion.
Then he heard a noise.

Prince ran into the room. He sat at the end of the bed whimpering then ran to the door and back to the bed multiple times.

Katsuki got up and followed him to the bathroom. He heard someone inside breathing hard. Katsuki opened the door to see Kirishima sitting by the toilet. He saw a hint of red by Kirishimas mouth. Kirishima saw Katsuki and smiled weakly. "Good morning" He said,then he started to cough and turned and threw up in the toilet again.

Katsuki turned away until Kirishima stopped. "Eijirou are you gonna be ok?" He asked. "Well I don't know I'm not a doctor!" Kirishima said jokingly. Prince whimpered and walks over to Kirishima and by curls up on his lap. Kirishima pets him as he speaks. "Good boy prince. I'm surprised he went and got you Katsuki,not many dogs know to do that" katsuki nodded. "He's a smart dog,I'm glad we got him,but more importantly Eijiro we need to make sure your ok" Katsuki said.

Kirishima looked at him and laughed a little. "Yeah just....let me sit here for a little,if I get up I think I might throw up again or something" Kirishima coughed a little. "It's funny,we thought I was getting better but then this happens" Katsuki stares at him. "It's not really that funny,has this happened before?" Katsuki asked him.

Kirishima looks at the ground. The He meets Katsukis gaze. "Remember the day that I passed out? When you took me to that really beautiful place with all the petals and stuff? And I went to the hospital and it was really bad and all that?" Katsuki nodded. "Yeah of course I Remember that ,Why?" Kirishima looked back at the ground. u

"Well late that night while you where asleep I woke up coughing and threw up in bathroom...I didn't tell you...I'm....I'm sorry Katsuki..." Kirishima looked to the ground. Katsuki walked over and tilted Kirishimas head upward. "Eijirou o pdon't know why you wouldn't tell me something this important but it's ok"  Katsuki kneeled down next to Kirishima and kissed him not worrying about the slight taste of blood and puke.(ew,why did I write that,idk lol)

Katsuki pulled away from Kirishima when price started trying to lick their faces. Kirishima giggled at him.
Kirishima looks into Katsukis eyes for a minute before speaking. "Let me guess,this is the part where we go to the hospital?" Katsuki smiled. "Yep" Katsuki stood up and held a hand out to Kirishima. He helped Kirishima stand up. "Thanks" Kirishima said. His voice was a bit weaker since he was using a lot of energy to stay standing. "No your not walking,here" Katsuki bent down a bit so he could carry Kirishima on his back.(my one friends used to be carried on my other friends back like all the time) Kirishima hesitantly climbed onto Katsukis back. Katsuki made sure he wouldn't drop Kirishima and carried him towards the front door. 

[tume skip to the hospital]

They got there and for once the nurse was surprised. She was guiding a new nurse around and having her follow her for experience. The new nurse had blond hair and brownish grey eyes. She had a rather big chest area. (Should I just of written tits?) surprisingly she was only like a year or two older than Kirishima and Katsuki. (JUST GO WITH IT)

The nurse turned to them. "Oh! Hello Bakugou and Kirishima! I didn't expect to see you back here so soon! What happened this time?"

Katsuki has set Kirishima down before they entered the hospital. "I coughed some blood up then started throwing up,there was blood mixed in with it"

Kirishima looked at the new nurse. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around?" The new nurse nodded. "Yeah my names Hanna! I'm from America,but I moved here a year or two ago to be a nurse, are you..." Hanna took a minute to think. "Kirishima...?" Kirishima nodded. "Yep that's me! Eijirou Kirishima!" Kirishima smiled brightly and Hanna noticeably blushed.

The other nurse spoke.(her names gonna be...Tristi cause I need a name for her,idk she's irrelevant) "ok Katsuki do you want to be with Kirishima or can you,preferably,wait here?"

Katsuki gave her a stubborn look. "I think I'll stay with Kirishima" Tristi sighed. "Fine,come one Hanna let's go then,you can help"

During the check up Hanna insisted on doing everything that involved being close to Kirishima. She got close to Kirishima and tried to start conversation. "So Kirishima,want to tell me something about you? Since I'm new and don't know you and all that" Hanna obviously wanted to be close to Kirishima.

he's kinda a really cute hot guy if you didn't notice.

"Well I'm here a lot cause of an unknown type of sickness I have that might lead to my death in a matter of months" Kirishima said. Hanna looked at him with a look of sympathy. "You poor thing! I hope they find a cure!"

Katsuki looked at Hanna jealously. "How long until we can leave?"
Hanna ignored his question. But Kirishima noticed. "I don't know Katsu,probably in a little while" Kirishima made sure that Katsuki knew he wasn't forgotten.

"Oh Hanna you know about me so let more properly introduce you to Katsuki!" Kirishima turned and smiled at Hanna.

Hanna didn't care about the blond what so ever bug it would make Kirishima happy so she agreed. "Ok!"
Kirishima smiled. "Ok so Hanna this is my boyfriend,Katsuki bakugou!  He has a bit of an anger issue but he's nice. Isn't he awesome?" Hanna backed up a bit. "He's...your boyfriend...?" She questioned. "Yeah,what's wrong with that?" Kirishima said confused.

"Would you ever think of breaking up with him?" Hanna asked somewhat desperately.

Kirishima tried to calm him down. "Katsu it's fine it's just a question"

Katsuki looked at him like he was a bit stupid. "She's been all over you this whole time? How dense are you idiot!" Katsuki laughed at him a bit.

Kirishima looked at Tristi. "Um hey are we ok to leave yet?" Tristi shook her head. "Hanna out,you can't flirt with patients,I should've warned you that lots of the hot ones are gay"

Hanna left the room angrily.

[time skip brought to you by Hanna da bitch™️]

Katsuki and Kirishima walked out of the hospital. "I cant believe taht bitch had the nerve to mess with you,Your obviously mine" Kirishima blushed at Katsukis comment. "Yeah i should've realized and told her to stop" Katsuki smiled at him.

"It's fine Eijirou,just don't let it happen again,Or else some bitch is gonna die and I'm gonna have to run from the pros or some shit for killing them"

Idk what the Hanna thing is
I had the idea and thought "WELL WHY THE FUCKINH HELL NOT BOIIIIII" that's how I actually think

So yep Hanna and Tristi are obviously original characters

By bye for now my villains UwU~~~~~~~~~~~~

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