Chapter 7 - Jungkook's wife

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Hyera's Pov

I entered his big beautiful house, wait should I say it looks like a mansion.

"We're arrived", he open the car door for me. "Thank you", I look at my surrounding and it's so pretty. He's living alone here?

"Your house is beautiful", I said after he open the front door which have a secret code on it. "Yes, this is our house", he emphasize the word. I shift my gaze admiring my surrounding but why so quiet?, "You live here alone? how about your brother?"

"Don't worry about him. He has his own house, beside he's the-", he stop his sentence which made pair of my eyes look weirdly at him.

"He's what?", I asked while studying his reaction. "Nothing, it's just you know that he's my brother and also the one who handle our business", his eyes look somewhere else and I'm sure he was hiding something from me.

"What business?", I could see he's nervous.
"You know it's late now, let me show you our room, I'm sure you like it", he's changing the topic and I just shrugged it off because I'm also tired.

"Wah this room is 2 times bigger than mine", I scream in awe. He chuckle at my cuteness.

The wall painted in cream colour and the other side with a grey wallpaper. A big tv is hang on the wall, comfortable sofa and a king size bed. Not to mention but the chandelier made the bedroom  in a good mood.

"Until when are you examining our room?". I heard Jungkook said from the other side. I turn to look at him. Holy fudge, when did he took off his shirt ?

I close my eyes with my hand. "Jungkook! please put your shirt on", he smirking. Omo he looks hot, I can't deny that. "Why? you don't like it?", he tease me.

"No it's not like that, I-I...". He come closer to me and I take step back until I landed my back on the wall.

Ugh I can feel my cheek is burning right now. Jungkook trap me with his hands on both sides of the wall.

"You can't escape babygirl", he said with his husky voice. Ahh it's attractive. What happen to me? no no no.

He take my hands from covering my eyes. "Open you eyes", he whispered on my left ear with his heavy breath. I hesitate but I open it. He stand in front of me shirtless. My eyes got the time to examine his body. I gulped.

"Like what you see?", he keep teasing me with that smirk. "Jungkook you're too close", I said. "So what? you're my wife and I can do anything with you". I tried to push him but it's useless because he's so strong. Damn.

"Jungkook..I-I need to use the bathroom", I stuttered.

"Really? Hmm", he looked at me like he didn't believe me. Did he know that this is just an excuses? But I really need to go to the bathroom .

"Yes really", I assure him, please I want to escape from this awkwardness.

Before that

He lean closer .....

Until there's no space between us.....

But I push him hard enough to made him stumble back.....

"Hahaha I got you Jungkook". "Hey that's unfair",  I stick my tongue at him before enter the bathroom.

After I finish my business, I saw Jungkook laying on the bed still shirtless playing with his phone. He looks like texting with someone.

"JUNGKOOK!", I scream. "What?", he smirk again.
"Put your damn shirt on". Jungkook bring him towel with him and he stop infront of me who's now standing infront of the bathroom door. "Relax okay, I want to take a quick shower you want to take a shower together?", he leaned closer but I have the urge to push him. I'm so embarrassed right now.

"You're ridiculous, it's okay you take your shower first, I'll go after you", I laugh at him. He laugh too.

After I finish showering I saw he sleeping peacefully. I went to the lay beside him and examine his face.

He's so charming and peaceful.
I wonder why you want to marry me Jungkook?
and I can see you have something with my dad,  everytime you guys met you keep glaring at him.
I want to caress his cheek but got stop when I heard notification. It's his phone.

"Oppa, are you sleeping with her?"
"See you tomorrow okay♡"

So he has a girlfriend, I thought to myself.

After that I went to dreamland.


I wake up while stretching my body. I just realised Jungkook are not here. "Jungkook?".
I push the bathroom door to look for him.

"He's not here", I sighed. I went downstairs to check on him.

"Jungkook is not here, he's going to work early", I heard someone said from the back.

"Ohh...who are you?", she look like in her 40s.
"Let me introduce myself, my name is Celene. I took care of Jungkook since he was a kid and his brother Wonwoo. You're Hyera right, Jungkook told me", she said.

"Yes I'm Hyera", I slightly bowed. "so you've meet his parents before?", I'm curious though. "Yes, like I said I took care of him when he was 6, his mother is a friend of mine", she explained.

"'re like a mother to him?", I asked again. "Hmm...yes but he act cold towards me, maybe because he lose his parents, poor him", she said.

"Did you know why his parents died?", I ask out of nowhere.

"Well, are you hungry? I made breakfast for you", she smile. Ok that's weird. Why she didn't answer my question? Is there something that I didn't know?

"Hyera, are you coming", she shout my name.
"Y-yes", I sit on the dining table. She made pancakes, bacon and sausages.

"Wah pancake!", I scream in delight.
"Ohh you like pancake?", I just nodded realizing I can't speak because my mouth is full with pancakes. "So that's mean you and Jungkook has a similarity then".

"Did Jungkook like pancake too?". "Yes, he always asked me to make a pancake for him". I smile. Soo he like pancakes too.

After I finish having a breakfast, I went upstairs. I don't know what to do. I used to help Namjoon oppa at the company. I miss him. Should I call him? . I try to call him but it's unreachable andthen I called mom, finally she answer.


"Hyera how's your life dear? did Jungkook treat you good? did he hurt you?"

"Mom, what's up with that question. We're doing fine"

"Glad to hear that"

"Mom I want to ask about Jungkook-"

"Hyera I need to go, your dad call me"

"Hmm okay?"

With that mom ended the call.

Ahh I'm bored. I lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling and thinking what should I do next? Did Jungkook has a girlfriend?. It's obviously yes because I saw the texts lastnight. Why would someone called him oppa? even I didn't call him that. And why would I even care?

After I lost in my thought. My eyelids got heavy and I fall a sleep.

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