Chapter 32

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Jimin's POV

"Why didn't you go with them? Don't you want to meet Jungkook's sister?" Namjoon asked.

"I was suppose to go with them but I have an interview," I said as I try to blow dry my hair.

"Too bad," Jin said as he takes the blower from me and blow dries my hair himself.

"There, all done," he said as he hands me back the blow dryer.

"Thanks," I said as I slip on my shoes.

"Maybe I'll just go after my interview. Will you guys be there too?" I asked.

"Yes but we'll meet at the private lounge," Namjoon answered me while trying to fix his bed.

"I'll come then," I said as I get out of the dorm.


I'm on my way to the private lounge when my phone started to vibrate.

"De?" I answered.

"Pali, (hury) she's about to leave now. She has an emergency meeting with her manager. Where are you?" Taehyung said on the other line.

"I'm on my way," I said as I stepped on the gas.

Just when I arrived, I saw a blond girl enter her BMW 5 series and speed off the road.

Just when I arrived, I saw a blond girl enter her BMW 5 series and speed off the road

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Nice ride, I commented to myself. And then I saw Jungkook just infront of the lounge.

"You just missed her," he said as he pulls me inside.

"I did?" I asked in dismay.

"She has a fucking BMW Jimin! I can't even believe her!" he said as we enter the room.

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