5.5th floor and a new ally

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...All of you get into your battle stance...

The furry is now covered in armor thats been made by darkness and instead of having a spear like the other two, she has a katana in her hands. she rushes at you with an incredible speed and before she can get to you, you swing your flaming sword downwards and a huge wave of flames was sent at her.

Lily: "You are pretty strong you know."

[Y/n]: "What do you mean, you were the one who used the fire spell and lit up my sword."

Lily: "Yes, but the stronger the wielder is the more powerful the flames are."

Ellen: "Guys, focus! She's not dead yet."

Furry: "You are pretty powerful for a human, if I would have not known any wind protection spells I would have been done for, for sure."

She walks out of the smoke that the flames had left with a smile on her face.

Jane: "Still smiling huh? Well you won't smile for long."


[Y/n]: "Jane, can you summon those blades around each of us and attack with them when I'll tell you."

Jane: "I don't think that my shadow attacks can damage her but whatever you say."

The blades appear around all four of you.

Furry: "Do you really think that it'll work?"

[Y/n]: "You never know."

Her katana is made only out of metal even the handle, hmmmm...

[Y/n]: "Lily! Can you only use fire and ice spells or can you use other elements as well?"

Lily: "I can, but I don't think it'll damage her anyway, she's too quick for me to hit her."

[Y/n]: "Can you use electricity?."

Lily: "Yes bu-"

[Y/n]: "Use it on Ellens arrow."

As Lily touches Ellens arrow you can see electricity circling around it.

Ellen: "What now?"

[Y/n]: "Shoot at her in a way that she could block it with her katana."

The furry starts running at you again but she's slower than before. Ellen shoots the arrow out of her bow, and she slices it with her katana.

[Y/n]: "Just as planned."

Electricity goes through the furrys body. She drops the weapon and looks at it...

Furry: "Smart, but this won't be enough to stop me."

She summons a dark blade and is ready to attack again. You rush at her but she swings her sword at you with such force that when you block the attack, you slide back a few meters.

Furry: "And here I thought you would die from this attack, guess I can't underestimate any of you."

Jane attacks her from behind as she did before but the furry acts fast, blocks her and attacks you again. It was easy for you to dodge it so you thought that now was the perfect time.

[Y/n]: "Jane now!"

The blades that were around us starts flying towards her, she was only able to block the blades that came from me while the blades from Lily and Ellen stabbed her in the back and the blades from Jane hit her left side.
She tries to hit you desperately but you dodge every attack and use your sword to stab her heart or atleast where one should be, it hits but she's not dead yet. She summons a dark dagger and tries to hit you with it but stops near your face because an arrow goes through her head.

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