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Dylan's POV. (Day of the wedding)

I slam my hand down onto the alarm clock and sit up. It's 3:30 am and today is the day I get my baby back. I stand and dress quickly not wanting to waste any time. Wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans. I grab my holster and strap it around my waist. I put a handgun in each of the holders. I slip on my black combat boots and I'm ready to go. I go downstairs. Everyone is downstairs. Ashley is still sleeping. Noah wanted to stay but I convinced him that he was needed on the mission. Ronan walks into the foyer and hands each of us a Bluetooth headphone.

"Keep these in your ears at all time," he says sternly and I nod. Sticking the device into my ear. I hear it crackle to life. I show Ronan a thumbs up to show that mine is working, and one by one the other guys do as well.

"Ready?" I ask. They all nod, and we head out to our cars. Noah and I take mine while Julian, Cam, and Lee take Julian's.

It takes us fifty minutes to get to the place we've narrowed the headquarters down to. We start to scan the place for guards.

"I see two on the roof and at least ten on the ground" Noah whispers. I nod. I click the button on the device in my ear.

"Ready for some fun boys?" I ask.

"Yup," Cameron responds.

"Yea," Lee says.

"Hell fuckin yea," Julian says. I hear laughter in the background and for this first time in a while I let myself smile.

"On my word" I reply to these hooligans.

"We'll find her dude," Noah says from beside me. I turn to him.

"You think so?" I ask. Hoping my best friend can give me some hope.

"I know so" he replies smirking. I turn to look out the window and see that our window is opening up.

"One, two, three, GO!" I command and all of us jump out of our cars. The men guarding the large building look surprised and before they can do anything they're on the ground. We move forward into the building's dark entrance. I look around and see no clues as to where my Maggie could be.

"What do you think?" Cam asks. I shrug.

"Just keep moving forward" I command and the boys all nod. We walk through a few hallways all twisting and turning. Finally, I see a dim light emitting from two large double doors at the end of a long hallway. I point at it silently and we make a run for it barging in and moving our guns in sideways motions. Threatening any enemy. There is only one figure. A tall woman wearing a long light blue dress. She's sitting in a red armchair in front of a large screen. Smirking at us. I walk up to her.

"Where is she," I ask. My voice filled with rage. The woman isn't scared, however; she just laughs. I growl.

"I said where is she" I rage my voice a lot louder. The woman now stands to show her full height. She's only about two inches shorter than me.

"I'm assuming you are the boyfriend she was talking about?" She says. Looking at her nails. Uninterested.

"I'm saying it one last time, where is she?" I ask with a deadly calm tone.

"So impatient" the woman complains. "She could've done so much better"

"Show me" I demand again. My fists clenched. The woman sighs and goes over to the large screen on the right side of the room. She presses a button and the inside of a church is shown. There are tons of people in formal wear and at the alter is a man who is about as tall as I am with black curly hair. He's smirking. I gulp.

"Why?" I ask. Turning to the evil woman next to me. She just laughs. I turn back to the screen to see that the church doors have opened and the bride is walking down the aisle. I take a breath of air and turn to the woman.

"Stop this!" I demand. She just shrugs. Olivia reaches the alter, the veil still concealing her face. She turns to face the man. They go through the ceremony. I feel the tears slipping as I watch. Seeing her being with another in such a loving ceremony is tearing me apart. The priest turns to the man.

"Do you take Olivia Riley as your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks. The man smirks.

"Yes," the smirk never leaving. The preacher then turns to Olivia and my breath hitches.

"Do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?" he asks. I want to scream and jump through the screen to save her. But I don't know where she is and I doubt this evil woman will let me go.

"Yes," she whispers. She barely says it but it cuts through me like a bullet and I drop to my knees.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest says happily and the man is still smirking. He takes the edge of the veil and lifts it. My face breaks out into a grin.

"That's not Olivia"

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