Chapter 5

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Hyun mi's POV

I'm here sat in my room infront of my recording equipment.

Why does my anger melts away whenever I see Jimin. I'm suppose to be angry at him right?

"We'll end up with zero productivity if you just stare into the air and think about Jimin," Yoongi said as enters my room with papers on hand.

I just scoffed at him and started to play Seesaw's intro to divert his attention.

He came near me and listened as I sing the chorus.

🎶Alright, a repeating seesaw game
It's about time we put an end to it
All right, this boring seesaw game
Somebody has to get out of here
Though neither of us can

Don't let anyone know who'll get off first
Let's not drag things out, however our hearts lead us
Are we getting out of here or not
This repeated seesaw game
We have to stop it now🎶

"You know what's funny oppa? I know exactly where these lyrics came from and who they are for,"

He scratches his head as he lookes at me in confusion.

"I was in my bathroom when you said these exact same words to Jennie unnie,"


"Yes, I heard all your conversation," I said laughing.

He just flicked my forehead and laughed embarassingly.

"Can't believe you actually wrote them in a song and fucking recorded it. She literally cried when she heard this,"

"Wow! Says the girl who wrote an entire solo album dedicated to Jimin," he said rolling his eyes.

"I'm sure his thick skull wouldn't even recognize it's him I was pertaining too," he laughed at my remark.

"Tell me, he still hasn't listened to it right?" I asked.


"Told yah," I said.

I am a little dismayed at that though. I just hope he listens to it and understands what I really feel.

How can he be so stupid?


"Cindy unnie!" I called out to her room. Hera is with her while she's practicing her part.

"I received an email from mngr. Lim! Come quick!"

They ran down the stairs and stood behind me and Sunny who are seated on the couch.

"It says here that we are invited to perform at the Autumn Grand Charity Ball," I said reading the entire email.

"Look, it says we are to perform 2 of our songs in acoustic version and 1 acoustic cover of our choice," Sunny said now biting her lip.

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