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Dylan's POV
It's been days. As soon as I saw she was shot I made Julian call an ambulance. And now here she is. Laying in a hospital bed. A breathing tube in her nose and a feeding tube attached to her. She's still so beautiful. They had to cut her out of the wedding dress. So now she's in a dull hospital gown. She was limp and her heart stopped beating twice. I've cried too much already.

There's nothing left. I know that if she doesn't come back I'll turn into stone and never be able to love again. She was my one. My rock. And now she's gone. Because I involved her in my world. Ashley enters quietly. She sits down next to me.

"How's she doing?" She asks. I shrug. Ashley wraps an arm around my shoulder and I tense up. I look at her and see that she's crying. I sigh and wrap my arm around Ashley trying to comfort her.

"It should be me" she cries.

"No Ashley, it should be me. She wanted you to be safe" I argue. She looks up at me.

"She loved you, Dylan. She wouldn't have wanted you where she is" she responds. I sigh. Knowing she is right. Still. I know I would take the place of the girl in front of me in an instant.

"You should go shower and get something to eat. I'll stay here" she says. I sigh. Knowing I should do that, I haven't eaten in two days and haven't showered in even longer. I must look a mess. But I don't want to. I look at Ashley who has already turned to face Olivia again. I know that she'll watch over her.

"Ok" I respond. "I'll be back in half an hour". Ashley just nods in response. I step out of the room and rush towards my own room. My house has a hospital area for emergencies like this. So that I know the people here won't be hurt again.

I shower as quickly as I can and then run down to the kitchen. The boys are in there. Talking. As I enter smiles light up their faces. I just shake my head and their faces drop again. I open the refrigerator and look for something to eat. Noah comes over to me.

"It'll turn out fine man," he says. Placing a hand on my shoulder. Trying to comfort me. I just nod in response. Grabbing my sandwich. But before I can leave Noah comes up and places a hand over my shoulder.

"Listen man. I need you to do some work. There is a gang trying to make an alliance and won't do it through me" he says. I turn towards him.

"Who is it?" I ask. My exhaustion fills my voice. Noah gulps.

"Matt Bark"

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