Mr. Brock And Mr. Venom

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The door slides open, and a concerned Strange steps through.
'Stark called me, said it's important?' He asks, his cloak trailing behind him.
'Watch this.' I grab the flower pot that was delivered to me, and throw it to the wall. It smashes in to pieces, and Strange knits his brow. My muscles in my arm tense up, and I hold up my palm. The flower pot reassembled itself, crawls back up the wall, and flies in to my hand.

Looking to Strange, he was grinning from ear to ear. I ask, intently watching his facial expression.
'What the fu-?'
He glares at me, he hates that I use profanity.
'...What the hell is happening?'
I rephrase my question, and he softens his stone-cold glare.
'Well. It appears Wong was right about you.' He steps to the pane of glass, signalling something to them. The pane slides down, revealing all of the avengers standing behind the glass.
'Wong's always right. You should know that, Mr. Strange.' I ignore the people smiling and staring at us.
'I know, I know. I just thought it was too soon to train you.' He takes his cloak off, and it just stands there, occasionally mirroring his actions.
'Train me? You said that you would only train the person that you could pass all your knowledge too.' I quote our first meeting, all those years ago. He looks at the ceiling, and sighs heavily.
'Do you really need me to explain?'
Furrowing my brow, I stare at him. He heaved.
'I'm choosing you, kid.' I blink. Me?
'Shouldn't you be choosing a genius or something?' I gesture to the Avengers, who were watching intensely.
'When Steve Rodgers was chosen as Captain America, he wasn't exactly strong. Right?' He explains, stepping away from the pane.
'No, he was a dumbass according to Bucky's conversations with Clint.' I reference the recon mission I was sent on. Bucky and Clint exchange confused glances, and Steve looked a bit offended.
'Well, its for knowledge like that I'm choosing you. You can have all the toys and money, and be strong and powerful. But you, your biggest strength is this. You've never relied on money, have you?'
He taps his temple, and tilts his head down for me to answer.
Sitting up, I look at my scarred arm.
'I mean.. I guess?' He smiles sincerely at me, before turning to Stark.
'I'll be away for 4 months, try not to get her near-killed again.'
He exited the room, as I called after him.
'Say hi to Wong for me!'
His voice echoed back.
'Will do, kid.'

The Avengers awkwardly shuffled in to the room. Clint, Bruce, Steve, Bucky and Oliver in the back, Wanda, Natasha, Damien, Ashley, Peter and Tony in the front.
I cut through the silence.
'It's been great, sitting in a isolated room for 4 days, really. But I really must be going, awfully sad it has to be this way.' Confidently pushing myself off the bed, my bloodstained bodysuit stuck to my skin. Every single one of my scars was in their view, Oliver asks.
'Where are you going?' I turn, my hand still on the door frame.
'Rage is a great motivation. Might go fuck up a couple of HYDRA moles, might even do a crime sweep.' Stark cuts me off, anger and stress overruling his tone.
'You're just a kid!' I roll my eyes, staring at everyone of them, and coldly growl.
'That didn't stop you last time.' Grabbing my jaw mask, I take one last look at them all, their eyes pleading me to stay. My eyes lock with Peter's, and he shakes his head. Clenching my jaw, I grip my mask tighter. Snarling, I clasp my mask to my jaw,
'See you on the other side.'
Turning sharply, I exit the room, running my tired fingers through my hair.

The fresh New York air made me feel different. Something inside of me just felt free. I check my phone, finally unblocking all of the contacts. Several buzzes came from the phone, as Stark texted me madly.
Y/N you get your ass back here this instant
Answer me, young lady
I can see you reading these
I gave you that phone!
Sighing, I reply back, channeling all of my emotions in one text.
Fuck off.
Immediately shutting off the phone, I begin walking down the street. People stare at me, my jaw mask was a bit weird, so I understood why.

Wind winded around the corners, as I entered the poorer side of New York. Away from Avengers Tower, away from The Sanctum, away from everyone.

A man stumbled out from around a corner, shouting irritated to no one.
'Venom, I swear to god, I'm turning us around and we're helping that kid! He fell off his bike because of us!'
He swept his feet around, and jogged back in the alleyway. Confused and intrigued, I followed them.

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