"So you're witnessing magic tonight."

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The beeping was continuous and patterned.


The line spiked up and down and it's patterned. They mentioned that meant her heart rate was steady. It was a good sign.

Ally had to believe that was a good sign.

Eight hours earlier

It was the first day Lucy had allowed Camila to spend with her and the Cuban was over the moon because, never willing to admit it, she had missed her deviant friend and all her antics. And Camila knew Lucy had put the restriction of hang-outs up in the fear that the younger girl would use her as a crutch in Lauren's absence, but that didn't make it easy on either of them.

Lucy had grown so attached to the consistency of her friendships with both Camila and Lauren that going a few days without seeing either felt almost wrong. So despite herself, Lucy was eager to see her friend and find out how she'd been spending her free time without her wife.

She was also excited to see the rest of the girls that night, everyone, aside from Lauren, would be going to her debut at one of the hottest clubs in the city. Lauren had already called to wish her good luck though claiming she didn't need it but when Lucy mentioned that she would take praise in the form of kisses from Camila, Lauren was quick to hang up, though still sending her a message later telling her to break a leg.

Needless to say, Vero was beyond proud of her wife for pursuing her career and was boasting to just about anyone who would hear her out about how amazingly talented Lucy was.

The day itself was tingling with excitement for everyone and Lucy allowed herself to lather in the thrill of it.

"You know if you dedicate this set to me, I can guarantee you'll get laid." Vero swung her arms around Lucy's neck before perching herself comfortably in her wife's lap, waggling her brows suggestively and causing Lucy to be putty in her hands.

"You say that as if I wouldn't be getting laid anyways," The older girl scoffed before pecking her wife's lips. "You know damn well we're fucking tonight."

"You're confident."

Lucy didn't bother answering Vero with words, instead she nestled her face into the girl's neck and breathed in, poking her tongue out to press wet kisses down the length of it until she reached the base, smirking when she felt Vero's breathing growing heavier.

"Like I said," Lucy's voice was hoarse and low, causing Vero to squirm in her lap. "I'm getting laid tonight."

Lucy's smirk grew as she leaned in to kiss Vero after hearing the soft patter of Camila's feet outside the door, pulling away just as her wife's lips grazed hers to answer the door, a playful smile marring her lips.

"Hello beautiful," The eccentric brunette opened the door just as Camila raised her hand to knock. "Long time, no see."

"And whose fault might that be?" The youngest Latina scoffed, her eyes finding Vero's and almost flinching back from the intense glare she received. "Whoa, what did I do?"

"It's what I didn't do." Lucy waved her wife's frustrations off and tossed her arm over Camila's shoulder. "So you're witnessing magic tonight."

"Hey, Camila." Vero managed to settle her frustrations and build up a smile for her friend, knowing it wasn't at all her fault that she was feeling the way she was feeling, that was all on her wife.

"Hey," The Cuban beamed before turning her attention back to Lucy. "So you're excited for tonight?"

"You have no idea, and I know I said that I don't want any help making it in the industry, but I am really glad you're coming tonight. It'll build up my rep a little that you're attending."

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