Tainted, Dark Hearts filled with Hate.

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Lilah followed Jonathan into the Asylum, walking past the faces that had grown unusually familiar to her until the pair where both back into his lab. 

"Where is everyone?" Lilah yawned, her tired eyes scanning t he area. Jonathan shrugged, 

"They're out." He answered


"I gave them the morning off." Jonathan explained before moving down into the quiet, cold area. Lilah watched him with a small smile. The entire world was going on and on about Bruce Wayne's birthday and how great that was, yet, all she could see was Jonathan Crane. The man too lonely to admit that even he  needs someone. When he stopped at a lab table, Jonathan looked over at her, 

"Are you coming? Or would you prefer to stand there all morning?" He asked with a smirk. Lilah paused before slowly making her way down towards the dark haired man, his eyes locked onto her, 

"I should probably see Christian Sawyer today." Lilah said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck as she spoke. Jonathan raised an eyebrow, 

"Are you incapable of doing that at a later time?" After receiving a frown from Lilah, he continued, "I was hoping you and I could spend this morning together." This time it was Lilah who raised the eyebrow, 

"You want to spend time together in a cold, damp lab?" She deadpanned. Jonathan narrowed his eyes, 

"Well I'm so sorry for not booking us into a restaurant. But seeing as how you're a wanted murderer, I thought this would suffice." He snapped, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the table, peering at her over the brim of his glasses. Lilah paused, 

"Wait... what?" Her brow furrowed, "Is this supposed to be a date?" She asked. Jonathan rolled his eyes, sighing heavily, 

"Thank you." He grimaced, clearly embarrassed. Lilah covered her mouth in an attempt to muffle her laughter as Jonathan looked around the area with an uncomfortable expression, 

"Sorry." She said awkwardly. The silence filled the room as Jonathan continued to allow his eyes to carelessly wander the room,

"It's alright." He responded quietly, "I imagine this isn't quite the ideal... date." the words seemed forced to a degree, but Lilah smiled, 

"It's not my worst." She replied, "I'd say it's even made it to my top ten." She laughed, stepping towards him as Jonathan raised his eyebrow at her, 

"You clearly haven't had the most ideal dates." He retorted, a hint of nervousness in his tone as he spoke, 

"You seem nervous." Lilah decided to point out as Jonathan rolled his eyes. Taking off his glasses, he gently rubbed his eyes before placing the glasses on the bench beside him and standing upright, his eyes locked onto hers, 

"Why on earth would I be nervous?" He scoffed, 

"You tell me." She retorted with a slight frown, her eyes wandered over his face that glistened with sweat. Jonathan wiped his brow, 

"If you must know, this is the first time I have ever had what one would call a... date, so I'm somewhat unsure of how to proceed." At that moment, Lilah burst into fits of giggles, as Jonathan glared at her, mumbling insults under his breath.

"Really? You?" She giggled in more disbelief than anything else, "Jonathan Crane? The Dr. Sexy has never had a date?" 

"Dr. Sexy?" Jonathan raised his eyebrow. "Did you come up with that name..?"

"No.... Mer-" The words seemed to become stuck in her throat as she spoke, her smile fading, "Mercious did." There was another silence as Jonathan gave her a sympathetic look that seemed too unnatural to be the Jonathan Crane she knew. 

"There are no words I could possibly attempt to use to express how sorry I am for your loss." Lilah smiled softly, even in this moment, his choice of words and tone of voice were nothing short of charming. He had the uncanny ability to manipulate another's emotions using only his voice. Whereas she had the uncanny ability to cut people from her life as if they meant nothing at all. Why? Because she was that selfish,

"You're not sorry." Lilah replied, "But that's okay." Flicking her eyes up to meet his, her smile broadened, "I am surprised you are capable of remorse." Like a switch, she was able to change how she felt about a person. 

"You are quite incorrect about that." Jonathan quipped. "You may not believe it, but you have caused me to feel numerous things; anger, envy, happiness... things I thought I was incapable of." Lilah's breathing picked up, her stomach turned as he continued to speak, "I have the ability to isolate myself and for quite some time, I believed I was happy within my own solitude. I never thought I was capable of love, yet here you stand. The embodiment of everything I want. Everything that I love." 

Jonathan Crane could not have her heart, especially if she hadn't one to give. And what on earth would Lilah be able to do with a tainted, dark heart filled with hate and cruelty? yet, despite the obvious answer; the heart that belonged to Jonathan Crane was the only one she craved. In that exact moment everything was clear in so many ways that it had never been before. Everything had fallen into place, the reasons why she stayed in the cold, lonely place that came with being at Jonathan's side, why she was able to let Mercious, Floyd, Thomas, Zoe, Susan, Jim- why she could let them shatter her heart over and over and still be standing, why she could smile. Lilah Doute, Phobia, Mistress of Fear, whatever else people uttered when referring to her, was deeply and madly in love with her tormentor, her saviour, Jonathan Crane. 

"I..." but the words wouldn't come. Why? Because she was too selfish to allow herself to be so vulnerable and Jonathan Crane was someone she could never trust. If she gave him the power to destroy her, she wasn't sure she'd be able to survive the heartbreak. 

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