Chapter 5- Back To The House

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30 minutes later....

After Carter's parents went inside Carter's room they were terrified. It was too late to help him. He was already dead. Right now Alex, Maddie, Hult, Tyler and Ariel was standing outside Carter's home.
"This is terrible!" Alex finally spoke.
"You said that right!" Ariel said. Maddie was sobbing as well as everyone else.
"So we're all just screwed, I mean no one is believing us!" Maddie said.
"May be we're not." Ariel said as everyone looked at her.
"What you mean?" Hult asked.
"I did some research in the library. I found out that there was a murder and 8 teenagers that was there out of 8 only one survived. So maybe we could ask her to help us." Ariel said.
"Who is this person?" Maddie asked.
"It's unbelieving." Tyler said.
"Who?" Alex asked.
"Your mother is the survivor." Ariel said and Alex went shock.
"No wonder she's has that cut in her elbow." Alex said.
"Alex. We have to go to her now. Come in guys!" Ariel said as they all left and went to Alex's and Ariel's place.


"Hey aunt Abby! Is mom home or she went out?" Alex asked.
"She's in her room." Abby said smiling at them.
"Thanks mom." Ariel said as she and the rest of them walked up the staircase and knocked on Alex's mom door.
"Come in!" Alex's mother Alexandra said as they walked in. She was sitting on her sofa.
"You can sit on my bed." She said as Alex and all her friends sat on her bed.
"Mom, before you got angry, I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you." Alex said apologising.
"You all played the game and now your friends are all dieing?!" She said.
"Yes. Please help us! The last message we got was that, round 2 is starting. Meet back to the house the same time we it all began yesterday." Maddie said.
"You all can survive, if I can you can. I did beat the game." Alexandra said.
"How?" Ariel asked.
"You have to help each other as much as you can. You have to share the dares." Alexandra said.
"Who is this demon? And why is it doing this?" Hult asked.
"This demon, it feeds on your fears and hidden dark secrets. It's a punishment. If only I'd knew why, maybe...maybe my friends would still be here." Alexandra said.
"Thank you. We should better get going." Tyler said as they all got up and walked out. But Alex stopped and look back.
"Alex honey. I can't believe my own daughter is part of this. For the first time I feel so helpless for a mother." Alexandra said.
"Mom! It's okay. I will see you tomorrow morning. I promise." Alex said.
"Bring back Ariel safely with you as well." Alexandra said.
"I will. Promise." Alex said as she went with everyone else.


"You guys called Luke or Jessi?" Alex asked as she walked out to meet the rest of them.
"Yeah. They know. They said they'd meet us there. Should better get going as well." Tyler said.
"Yeah lets go." Ariel said as they all went with Tyler's van.


Back to the house...

When they arrived they met with Jessi and Luke. The places was beginning to turn dark.
"Guys. I'm sorry about Carter. He didn't make it." Alex said as they all hugged each other.
"Let's end this!" Ariel said as they all looked at the house and went up inside. Then all the windows and doors closed shut.
"Arh!" They all screamed as they entered. Then the clocked chimed.
They then heard voice.

Then written on the walls was:

'Drink the liquid!'
2 minutes.

"The liquid is poison guys!" Tyler said smelling the green liquid.
"Remember what my mother said, share the dares. They said he have to drink it not by himself." Alex said.
"Wait I have an idea. Alex split the liquid into 7. Tyler come with me." Ariel said as she went inside the kitchen.
"What?" Tyler asked.
"I remembered the soda's. If we drink the soda then drink the poison..." Tyler finished the sentence.
"The soda will bring it back up." Tyler said smiling as they took seven sodas and went back to the living room where they all were at.
"Here. Drink this so the soda can bring it back up. After you drink the poison empty your stomach." Tyler said.
"You're the only doctor here so I'm gonna listen and do as you say." Hult said.
"Okay drink the soda." Tyler said and they all drank down the soda.
"Now drink the poison and then let it out." Ariel said. They all drank it and then went to different places and throw up, vomiting everything.
After they was finished and rinsing their mouths. They all met back in the living room.
"Everyone okay?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah." They all said.
Then the voice again.


"Guys I'm next." Maddie said and sobbed. Then a paper with an letter came flying by her foot. She bent and picked it up. She then read it aloud.


Smash the your hand with the hammer.

Then a hammer slid next to her foot.
"We can't share it." Maddie said.
Then the clock rang once.
"1 minute." Tyler said.
"I'll do it if you want." Ariel said and Maddie nodded. Ariel took the hammer and Maddie placed her hand on the table flat.
"Now." Maddie said. Then Ariel raised the hammer in the air and slammed it down on Maddie's hand.
"Arhhhhhaha!!!" Maddie screamed out in pain.
"I'm sorry!!" Ariel cried.
"Tyler! You're the doc!" Luke said.
"Put some ice on it." Tyler said as Jessi quickly ran inside the kitchen and brought back a bowl of ice.
"Here!!" Jessi said as she handed it to Alex. Maddie placed her injured broken hand inside the bowl.
The voice spoke again.


Then a card moved from the table and land next to her. She picked it up and read it allowed.


Cut of one of your earlobe.
1 minute.

"Seriously!" Alex said. Then she picked up a scissors on top the counter.
"Alex?!" Ariel called. But Alex placed the scissors on her earlobe and pressed it together.
"Arhhhhh!!!" She screamed as her earlobe was cut of.
Everyone turned their heads away. Ariel went and hugged her.


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Xx_Princess Royalty _xX💖

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