Chapter one.

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Your pov:

My heart was pelting, it was almost like it was coming out of my chest.

Three men closed in on me, They had wicked smirks on their faces.

"Come on kitty, don't you want to play?" 

"I-don't want to..."

"Come on, say it louder." His hands wrapped around my waist.

"If the lady doesn't want to play she doesn't want to play." A voice erupted from behind them

I peered over his shoulder. The two others were on the ground, hopefully they were unconscious .

His hands retreated to his sides.

"We w-ere just having a little fun... Weren't we love...?" He swallowed hard as he stepped away from me.

I didn't open your mouth as i watched them, the were unusually beautiful. One in red and the other in a mix of purple and black. 

The purple one had a playful smile on his lips and the other just stared the deep doe black eyes and smiled slightly.

"You are seriously pitiful, praying on the weak."  He looked to me, his dull eyes showed no emotion.

"Mr, leave the lady alone and leave before you end up like your friends." The darker one spoke up, he wrapped his arm around me. 

"Leave." The man turned around and sprinted.

I stood and stared at them, my ears were ringing and my heart was beating a hundred miles per hour. 

"T-Thanks!" My legs moved without my permission as I ran away from those two. 

Odd men, they could have killed those two assholes! What if they did? 

I ran without looking back, something about them gave them mystery and I don't like mystery. Not one bit.


I walked into class panting and the whole class stared at me including my nerd friend Joon. 

"Late Ms L/N?" 

"Ah, a car crash happened. I'm very sorry sir." I nodded my head and jogged up to Joon.

He snorted at me, little shit.


"Hey..." My forehead slapped down onto the table, I slightly groaned at the pain but, I didn't really care. It was almost the end of the lecture anyways.

"We did Civil rights, I copied the notes down for you." He slid over the notes like an illegal document, weirdo. But I was really grateful, who wouldn't be? Not all best friends are smart or kind enough to think of that.

I met Namjoon on my first day of high school, he was funny and the first encounter I had was him being tripped over by some cliche bullies and falling on me.

I almost died that day, but now we are inseparable.

He is like an older brother for me and sometimes even someone I look up to. 

"Thanks Joon! I love you, you squish." You whisper squealed at him.

"Yah, I know." He grinned with his dimples popping out.

The bell went signalling time for break.  We left the room and got to the table of our friends.

It was a weird mix, there were three other people. Amber a cool and chill chick , Jackson an idiot who is hilarious and Sehun... A cutie.

"Hey." Their voices rung out together and Namjoon and I mimicked them. 

We sat for the majority of the break talking and nibbling at snacks.

Until a siren went off.

"All students, please quickly move to the emergency meeting point. A fire has started."

A voice sounded over the speakers, shit.

"Lets go!" I felt my arm get tugged by Namjoon.

You ran with your friends away from what you thought was danger, sprinting through the school.

All students on campus met at the oval, all staff and personal were there too.

Something was off, there was no fire, no smoke and no fire brigade.

"Hush now! All is well." We all turned around to see a beautiful man standing to the top of the oval. He was tall and slim, he wore fancy attire as he smirked down at all of us. Like a king.

"You will be silent or fire will be your maker." He smiled slightly as the crowds worried voices and murmurs completely stopped.

" I am looking for someone and that someone is here. She is someone I desperately need." -  Others started walking out from behind them with sick smiles on their faces.-

"Her name... Is Y/N L/N. If she isn't found in a minute, you will be the ones to suffer." He gestured to the people behind him, they snarled and licked their lips like we were live stock. It sent chills down my spine.

My world froze, what would they want with me? My hands started trembling, I couldn't let these people die? But what would they do to me?

They all turned to me as I started walking, but a hand tugged me back.

"Don't Y/N. Please, it's okay stay." Namjoon desperately begged for me to stay, I knew if I didn't these people would get hurt, The people we were dealing with...

Weren't normal.

I hugged him.

"It's okay Joon, I'll be back. I promise."

"I'll come get you. Please stay safe." I slowly smiled sweetly at him as I turned away.

I walked silently through the frozen crowd, I didn't bat an eye at a lot of people. I wonder, am I going to die?

Why do they want me?

"Ah, it is the one my dear friends..." He walked towards me, grasping my shoulder.

"This is the one I have wanted for so long. Come, we shall go home." He walked away with me, I turned back to Namjoon, his eyes shimmered green. 

"Helios... You know what to do." The man covered my eyes and I went blank, as I started to fade away screams of terror and pain ripped through my ears.

I started crying, I didn't know what they were doing to them. I didn't want to know, but please god. Let Namjoon escape, he is the only thing I have left...

A/N: Enjoy <3

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