Chapter Twenty-Four: Awkward Apologising

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"It's OK," he said, before Ron could get the words out. "Forget it."

"No," said Ron, "I shouldn't've_"

"Forget it," Harry said.

Ron grinned nervously at him, and Harry grinned back. Hermione burst into tears.

_Goblet of Fire_

Ginevra had been waiting downstairs for Abraxas to appear and so, when he did, beckoned for them to leave the inn, ignoring the curious boys whose eyes followed their exit.

"Three Broomsticks?" Abraxas asked tersely.

Ginevra simply nodded, and so they continued up the street to the cleaner, homelier tavern.

"Table for two, please," the Slytherin said quietly to the barmaid, and she led them to a table in the corner.

"What did you say to him?" Ginevra questioned as soon as they sat down.

"I told him to reconsider his options," Abraxas replied tonelessly. "We are all he has, and he shouldn't forget that so easily."

"True," Ginevra nodded. "But how do we approach him now? He doesn't like being told what to do."

Abraxas glanced at her.

"He does what I tell him," he stated.

Ginevra thought for a moment.

"It seems like I should make him listen to me, then," she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes," mused Abraxas. "Somebody else needs to be able to control him."

"You make him sound like a monster," Ginevra smiled brightly, chuckling slightly.

Abraxas gave her another look.

"He is a monster," he said suddenly.

Ginevra looked at him in surprise.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"Well, no, Tom's not a monster. He's part-creature. He's_ he's an Obscurial."

"Really?" Ginevra's eyes widened.

"You know what that is?"

"Of course," said Ginevra breathlessly. "And you know this for sure?"

Abraxas shuddered.

"Hallowe'en night, in our third year, one of our roommates lost his temper. Began arguing with Tom about power and dominance."

"I'm sure that went down well," Ginevra commented drily.

Abraxas continued, ignoring her joke.

"Tom Obliviated everyone apart from me, but from that day forth I knew what he was. A sub-human. Not truly humane."

Ginevra thought Abraxas could've guessed that anyway, however she decided not to press the point.

"It's Hallowe'en on Sunday," Ginevra said aloud instead. "It would be easier if you're speaking to him by then."

"Why so?" Abraxas raised an eyebrow, similar to the way Tom did.

Ginevra shivered.

"It's Hallowe'en. Godric-knows what he would do otherwise."


Abraxas and Ginevra met up with Tom on shared territory, in the Entrance Hall.

"Tom," Abraxas greeted coolly.

"Riddle," Ginevra acknowledged.

Tom nodded at the both of them.

"Aren't you meant to apologise now?" Tom inquired coldly. "Isn't that what people do?"

"You," Ginevra said, keeping calm, "are the one that is meant to apologise."

"Really?" Tom commented, seeming surprised. "What should I say?"

"Saying sorry for almost Obliviating me would be a start," Ginevra shrugged. "But it should really come from you."

Tom looked from Abraxas to Ginevra, uneasy. After a few moments, he spoke.

"Abraxas, you're not_ not taken for granted. You should know that. I require your council on more than one occasion, and your diligence is pleasing. I would... struggle without your perpetual note-taking and advice. I think the cause would miss your loyalty and wealth."

Abraxas was taken aback. Tom turned his gaze to Ginevra.

"Should I say more?" He asked doubtfully.

"I think you've covered everything," Ginevra told him. "You've complimented Abraxas. That's good enough for me."

Temporarily content, Tom entered the Great Hall with the chuffed Abraxas. As for Ginevra, she allowed herself a small, congratulatory smile, before walking into the aroma of pumpkin juice and spiced treats, and joining the Hallowe'en Feast.


A.N. I didn't realise that the chapter was so short, but I think it does the job. 

6 chapters left now!! Be sure to comment! :)

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