Chapter 59

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All of us are sitting around the table waiting for my dad to say grace.

And I do mean the whole gang.

Hanbin and Bobby are sitting across from Jennie and me.

Rosé is to my left.

She showed up just before we sat down for dinner.

Of course that means I still haven't had the chance to speak with her. She certainly doesn't give off the impression that she had her head in the toilet for hours last night however.

I'm feeling slightly better seeing her look like her normal self but I still have the slightest bit of worry about what's on her mind.

My mom has made a true feast.

And I can't wait to dig in.

I do have to wait for my dad to finish blessing the food and saying thanks for all the great gifts in his life.

Joon and Maddie are here as well.

They're seated on the other end of the table, closer to my parents.

I don't know why, but I always seem to forget about them.


My dad is done!

I'm starved.

You'd think I had enough to eat this afternoon.

Ha ha!

But my activities with Jennie burned off a lot of calories.

Speaking of Jennie, she can't stop smiling. She hasn't stopped since she cleared the air with my extraordinary mother. I'll have to find a way to thank my mom for being so awesome without her knowing I was listening in on their conversation.

I'll get in trouble if I tell her I was.

I look across the table and see Hanbin grinning at me.

Because I'm not threatened by him anymore, I can attest to the fact that he is indeed a nice guy.

And very, very gay.

I'm surprised I never noticed it before, but now that I'm not freaking out about whether or not Jennie is into me, I see things a lot clearer.

Hanbin's self appointed nickname of Papa Bear should have been a huge clue for me. When Bobby called him that before dinner started, Jennie and I had to hide our laughter.

She told me that when Hanbin first came up with that name she made fun of him relentlessly.

I can see why!

Now that I have no issue with Hanbin, I can use him to my advantage.

Oh my god!

Not like that!

Perish the thought!

I'm gay and in love with Jennie!

No, I have something else in mind for D.B.

Something a lot more sinister.

"Hey, Hanbin," I say as I snap my fingers. He's currently arguing with my brother about how many carbs there are in a serving of rice.

Hanbin looks in my direction. "What can I do for you, Jis?"

On reflex I want to toss my dinner roll at his head for using that name with me, but then I remember he's not the enemy, so I don't.

Jennie is happily devouring my mother's cooking and not really paying attention to me.

She will be soon enough.

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