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Okay people so, this is a chapter made for that_one_kid1117  go follow and show them some love!!

Jeffrey and I sit by the lake while my dad torments the people of Alexandria, the only thing that keeps me from killing everyone in Alexandria is my bestfriend Daryl.

Other then that I don't care about everybody else, I wonder how my dad would react if he knew I was friends with Daryl.

Would he freak out?Would he be nicer to Daryl? Who knows, only my dad would know because he is himself.

I feel like soon enough I will have to tell him. "Babe you alright?" I shake myself out of my thoughts "Yeah, just have many things going on in my head" .

Jeff rubs my back and I lay on his shoulder "Did you enjoy beating the shit outta Carl?" I ask smiling "Well duh who do you think I am" we laugh.

"Ey Nicole there's someone I'd like ye to meet!" I flop onto my back and look at Daryl seeing a girl holding on to his arm.

I flip over and stand up "Who the hell is she?" I squint my eyes at her "This is my girlfriend Alice" "Oh" I look at Daryl and smirk "Nicole" he gives me a warning look.

"Alice walk with me, Daryl you can talk to Jeff" "O-Ok" Alice walks by my side "Ok so this is simple, hurt Daryl you die, you cheat you die, disrespect him you die" she looks at me surprised at my little speech.

"Take care of Daryl, he means a lot to me as he is my only friend besides my boyfriend" I look up at her and she looks down. (Nicole is a short😂)

Alice gives me a warm smile "I always will and I can promise you that, I love Daryl with all my heart I would never do anything to hurt him" I smile.

"Pinky swear?" I say acting childish, she laughs "Pinky promise" She wraps her pinky around mine "I think we can become good friends if you don't hurt Daryl" I smile and she smiles back.

We walk back to the 2 boys who were talkin about random shit "We are back!" I say with jazz hands, we all laugh and talk.

"Nicole! Jeffrey! Let's go!" "Bye guys!" Alice says "Bye remember what I said!" We wave and walk towards the gates where my dad is.

We get into the car and wait for my dad, "So what did you say to Alice?" I shrug "Just telling her that if she hurts Daryl or anything else I will personally kill her".

"Dam" we laugh and my dad finally gets into the car, "Alright let's go" we drive back to The Sanctuary talking only a little.

I'm happy for Daryl, he has found someone who makes him happy. At least he won't be a grumpy troll anymore.

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