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Ok Boi chapter 21 is coming soon I promise!

I'm asking for your guys help

Yes I need some help with something

I'm about 99% positive one of my close friends has a crush on me

Why you may ask?

Well we were talking about crushes and me and my other friend asked him who he likes and he said she's in this class

We named every girl in that class and he said no each time

And yes I asked it it was my friend

Also he told my friend who it was but refused to tell me

Then I asked him for a hint in who it is and he said I know them very well with emphasis on the very

So how do I deal with this? That was Friday and I have school tomorrow

I've never felt love toward anyone

I don't know if I like him

I don't think I do but I can't be sure cause I don't know

So anyone have anyway to help me? I really need someone to help me with what to do

K that's all I needed to say

Remember chapter 21 is coming soon

Bye bye for now my villains ~~

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