Axis {Japan X Italy X Germany}

390 1 820

Human names-
Japan: Kiku
Germany: Ludwig
Italy: Feliciano

Scenario 1; Italy had tried to cling onto Germany all day. That has failed majorly. He just felt clingy and went into desperate measures to cling onto Japan. It worked and he clung to him the rest of the day. Germany got jealous of it. What does the German male do?

Scenario 2; Germany had been wanting to go back to his teen days for a while now. He actually did get a few things done that he was happy about. 1, he got his ears repierced. And 2, he dyed a small strip of his hair blue. With that, he seemed content with it and didn't bother explaining to anyone. Italy and Japan noticed and grew confused. What do they do?

Scenario 3; Japan has been going through a rough time lately, fights with his family, some of them either not noticing or not caring. He hid his pain just fine. None of the nations suspected anything. Except for Germany and Italy. They knew Japan too well. What do they do?

Scenario 4; Make it up!

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