dance dance revolution

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"Yo, let's fucking play Dance Dance Revolution, Katsu," Y/n said, slipping out of Katsuki's grasp and heading towards the back of the arcade where the dance game was.

"After you fucking beat me in Pac-man," he retorted, grabbing the female's hand again.

She scoffed. "Bitch, I'm a fucking queen at that game. I'd like to see you try to even match my level."

So, they went to go play Pac-man...

... Katsuki won. By a lot of points. It was sad, really. They played more than ten rounds. He won all of them.

"You cheater butt!"

"Hurry up," he pulled her arm towards Dance Dance Revolution. "We gotta leave in, like, fifteen minutes."

The girl squealed. Finally! A game that she could beat him at!

She lost.

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