ten | pregnart

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october 24th
dallas, america

My legs turned into cooked noodles in combination with my jaw dropped onto the floor. All I could say was that I was speechless and even that I was unable to clarify. The room was ghost-silent, except for my incomprehensible stammering of varied syllables. My mother slowly tip-toed into the kitchen.

"Would you like tea, Xavier?" she asked.

Xavier lifted his masculine arm and rolled up the sleeve of his coat in order to look at his watch. But he never looked at his watch, instead he kept his eyes on me. They reminded me of spring; bright green leaves and grass, clear skies and flourishing flowers. They also reminded me of passion and serenity, something that he always seemed to carry around with him. Yet there was a glaze of darkness and dreariness spread over his iris and it appeared to darken whenever he got a bit mad or more serious.

"I have to leave soon, Miss Morris, but thank you for the offer. I'm only here to discuss some things with your daughter."

"Of course. I'm right here in the kitchen if you need me."

My mother closed the door between the kitchen and the living room and therefore created a barrier between me and her – the only one who could safe me. She left me alone with Satan, I was going to die.

"May I sit?" he asked.

"I'd rather have you not shed your bacteria onto my couch, but I think you still would if I said no."

"I consider that as a yes, so thank you." He sat down and wiped invisible dust off his jeans. I was surprised to see him in daily clothing, but I preferred him in a suit.

I sat down on the chair across the couch and quickly tried to fixate my messy hair. I had been watching series all day, so I had put no effort into my appearance.

"Xavier, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to ask you for assistance."

"Okay, we'll get back to that later. First of all, why are you in America and how the fuck did you know where I live?"

"I'm in the United States due to personal events and finding out where you live wasn't so hard. I have some contacts here and asked them to do me a favor."

"What are you, a drugs dealer?"

"Besides stripping for a living, I also tend to exchange drugs, yes."

"Very funny," I fake laughed which made him chuckle a little. "Now why do you need my help?"

He reached for something in his pocket, so I swiftly leaned in and gestured that he needed to stop doing whatever he was doing. He paused moving for a split second and looked at me with one brow frowned.

"I'm not going to pull out my dildo, don't worry," he told me.

I moved back into my seat and sighed deeply in order to compress my laughter, but I wasn't able to stop myself from giggling. Xavier started chuckling too, but the tone was so deep that I immediately stopped.

He pulled out a couple of papers and handed them over to me. I held his gaze a couple of seconds before moving on to the papers.

"Come on, love, you don't know how to read? Wouldn't be surprising."

There was this love-hate relationship between me and his British accent. Everything he said sounded so much better to me, but it also made everything sound so incredibly cocky, which he himself was already. Guess I had to live with that.

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