Shards to the Past

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You can listen to the music above it's from the Harry Potter soundtrack, it literally played after I posted this chapter, and I was like,"This is perfect!" It's also oddly similar to my title, go figure. 



"Harry, he's hungry, it's your turn to feed him!"Draco yelled at the ceiling. He would have fed the small thing himself, but at the moment, he was preoccupied with studying a potions book.

There was a loud 'thump' and then footsteps traveling down the stairs until Harry's sleepy face showed up.

"W-Why,"Harry said mid-yawn,"d-don't you feed him yourself? You're sitting right there, almost right next to the cat food."

They had taken in the kitten they found about three weeks ago, and the couple had quickly concluded that the feline probably ate more than Draco and Harry combined. Harry wasn't new to cats, obviously Hermione's Crookshanks was good practice, but even he--a grown cat--didn't eat that much. As for what happened the day after they found the kitten, Draco was true to his word that he no longer gave much a blast-ended skrewt's bottom (haha) about what Rita said about his relationship with Harry. The Daily Prophet's first page was, in fact, a moving picture of Draco pulling Harry into the kiss where he told Rita off, and a headline with 'Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy-CONFIRMED ROMANCE'. Which Draco regarded with a "They really got my good side, didn't they?".

He set down his book and looked up at Harry plainly."I'm sorry, but who needs to review potions?"

"You," Harry muttered.

"And who is the one good enough to get a job including potions?"

Harry sighed,"You."


"-I feed Gypso, yeah I got it." Harry stated, reaching in the cabinet. He paused, then looked in it with a frown."And we're out. Brilliant."

Without looking up at his boyfriend, Draco tsked."And-"

"-and I'm going to go out and buy more. Yes I don't need you to tell me,"Harry groaned, rolling his eyes. A flick of his wand and his jacket was in his hands, along with his wallet. He tugged on his jacket as he made his way out the door.

Draco very loudly made a noise that was something like a cough."Aren't you forgetting something?"

Harry stared at him."What? I have my coat, my wallet, my wand, oh my umbrella!-"he stopped as he took in the deadly look Draco was giving him,"-oh." He walked back into the kitchen and planted a kiss on Draco's temple, then was on his way out again (with his umbrella too) as the blonde told him to be careful. He was gone, and Gypso hopped onto Draco's lap, purring. 

"You are just as attention-thirsty as him, you know that?"

Gypso rubbed his head on Draco's hand in response. 

He sighed, and scratched him on top of his fluffy head."You and him are lucky you're cute."


Harry studied the damp streets as he walked on to the nearest market. Muggles around him with similar mindsets and destinations, umbrellas clutched in hands in case it poured again. He passed his and Draco's cafe with a sigh. 

Is there anything else we need? I wouldn't want to come back again. Bread? Eggs?

He probably should have asked before he left, or should have at least checked. Draco would have done that. Probably with a smug statement of how he thought to look before heading off, unlike him

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