Shattering Glass

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"How much faith have you got for your boyfriend, Potter? Not that it matters, I know he'll come. If not, we'll make him."

Harry curled his lip."You won't get away with this Alecto. Not if I can help it."

She let out a screech-like laugh."Funny. Were you always this stupid? I think so, if you thought you were always one step ahead of the Dark Lord."

Harry spit her way, his saliva mixed with the scarlet hue of blood."That's because I was. In the end, Voldemort couldn't escape his fate. He was just as foolish as you are."

"Don't you dare speak about the Dark Lord like that!"she hissed, sending a blow to the side of Harry's face. 

He almost winced, but didn't dare give her the amusement of seeing him in pain. If anything, he'd have gone through worse. Mentally worse. Alecto just enjoyed physically damaging him, and Harry didn't care just what she did, as long as she thought she had the upper hand. He trusted his friends on taking her and the other Death Eaters down once and for all, and if he had to sit and be the bait, then so be it. 

A part of him mirrored his feelings back then in fifth year, when he was angry all the time. Back then he was unhappy because he was out of the loop for so long, and all the rumours everyone had on him. Watching and talking as if he was a little boy with explosive feelings and delusional tales. 

That wasn't the case now. The thing was that now he and Draco were together-just very recently too-and they couldn't spend a day together without something coming up. Were they ever going to get a taste of a normal life? Even for a bloody day

He quickly concluded that perhaps not. He was Harry Potter after all, and he was with Draco Malfoy. They were not exactly the most of normal people out there in the wizarding world, nor definitely the muggle word. 

"Thinking about your inevitable death, Potter?"Alecto asked, grinning wickedly."Don't worry, don't worry. It'll just be a second, you won't even feel it." 

Harry stared at his wand which she had in hands. That was the first thing he had confiscated from him. He really didn't like the helpless and defenseless feeling that formed in his stomach. He had felt it too many times, and yet was still not used to it. 

But I'm not hopeless, I'm anything but hopeless. 


"Where the hell did Draco go?!"Pansy yelled, just barely dodging a shot of red light.

Blaise shurgged as he sent back a spell to her attacker."He probably went straight to that bloody astronomy tower for Potter!"

"ALONE?!"Pansy shrieked. The idiot!

Draco's abrupt departure had warned the Death Eaters where Blaise and Pansy hid behind the bush, and now were fighting about six of them. They were greatly outnumbered, but did their best not to get killed. They didn't feel like dying just yet. 

Blaise stood behind a tree."Where in Merlin are Granger and Weasley?"he muttered under his breath. 

"Ah!"Pansy yelped, landing near him, her hands immediately cradling her leg. 

Blaise quickly bent down to help her take cover, sending a spell towards the advancing Death Eaters.

At that second, there was a loud cracking sound, like a tree being broken, and then falling. 




Blaise turned to see a giant person, sweeping Death Eaters right off their feet despite the spells they sent its way. He paused. Wait, that is a Giant!

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