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Description: Elijah meeting the parents of Kate Bostwick.

Authors P.O.V.

Kate and Elijah were busy having a slight argument at Kate's apartment. Kate wanted Elijah to meet her parents for the first time, but Elijah had denied.

"Kate, for the last time, no. How many times do I have to tell you?" Elijah rubbed her temples in irritation, getting sick of all the talking.

"Elijah please, they're very excepting and supportive. I promise you, you're gonna love them. Please baby?" Kate begged and touched Elijah's arm, giving her puppy eyes.

Elijah was looking in the other direction and glared at the wall with her arms crossed. But then she looked at Kate and knew that she could never say no to her girlfriend. Especially her puppy eyes. Elijah then rolled her eyes and groaned, "Fine, whatever."

Kate smiled brightly and kissed Elijah's lips softly, but when they both pulled away from each other, Kate squealed, "This is so exciting! Ohh, I can't wait! Now what we're gonna do is go to my parents house, have dinner and all that stuff. You can come to my place around six and we'll leave from there. Okay? Okay, now you..." She trailed off from her rambling and took a look at Elijah's appearance. "You are not wearing that." She gestured to her girlfriend's outfit.

Elijah looked down at herself, "What? I thought you wanted to be myself." The punk raised an eyebrow at Kate.

Kate gave a sympathetic smile, "Well yes, that's right. And I do want you to be yourself, but at least dress a bit more professionally. You can still add your own fashion to it, too, if you want." The shorter blonde suggested. "This is gonna be fun, trust me." And gave her a hug.

*Time Skip*

Elijah plopped down onto the couch and sighed in frustration, rubbing her eyes. She had just gotten back from Kates' house, thinking about tonight. "What's wrong with you?" She heard a voice chuckle, but Elijah didn't have to turn around to know that it was Leo.

"What do you want, Lee?" She growled, not really in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment. (btw, that's her nickname for him.)

Leo then sat down next to her, "Well, you do seem mad about something." He smiled, but she just glared at him.

"Wow, really, I haven't noticed." Elijah said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Is it Kate?" Leo asked, being a little more serious.

Elijah nodded, "She wants me to meet her parents." She muttered, but he heard.

"Whoa really? That's taking another step in your relationship right?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, but the problem is that, what if they don't like me? What if they don't let us see each other anymore? I mean, do they even want their daughter to be dating a punk like me?" Elijah rested her head in her hands, questions going through her brain. She then felt a hand rubbing her back.

The punk looked up to see Leo smiling, "There's no need to worry, Eli. You'll be fine as long as you're polite and respectful, but also yourself, too. Just have fun and get to know them, okay?" He encouraged.

She smiled, "Thanks Lee." And with that, she got up and went to her room to change.

Elijah's outfit

Elijah's outfit

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*Time Skip*

Elijah and Kate were already standing outside the front door of the short girl's parents house. Elijah was sweating like crazy for of how nervous she was. You see, since Elijah had a bad experience with adults, well parents mostly, when she was younger, she's had a hard time with parents and trusting them. It literally took her a year to finally bond with Splinter and see him as a father, with some help from her friends of course.

The front door then opened, snapping her out of her nervous anxiety and faced towards a woman who was probably in her late forties. She smiled at them and took a look at Elijah. "Why hello there, you must be Elijah. Kate has told us so much about you. Oh, it's so nice to meet you." The old lady said with a fond smile, making her smile, too. 'Well now I know of where Kate gets her smile.' That thought made her smile even more.

"Why yes I am. It's very nice to me you, too, Mrs. Bostwick." She smiled politely at the woman.

"Well come in, come in. Please sit anywhere you like. Oh and please, call me Mary." She offered and showed them the neat and tidy living room. Elijah took a seat on the couch with Kate by her side, her arm looped with the punks.

"Sorry about my husband, he's busy getting ready." Mary gave a apologetic smile.

Elijah smiled back at her, "Oh it's fine. I don't mind."

"You are so polite. I can see why Kate chose such a nice young lady like yourself." She complimented. Elijah was starting to like Kate's mother.

"Thank you. I try my best to make her happy and be a great girlfriend for Kate. She deserves it." Elijah wrapped her arm around Kates waist and looked at her with a soft smile, Kate shyly smiled back at her with a blush.

"I'm glad to hear it. You two look great together." Just then, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs, knowing already that that was Kate's father coming towards them.

"Honey, have you seen my-" A man called out to his wife, but froze with his steps and sentence when he spotted Elijah when he walked into the living room. "Um, who's this?" He gestured to the punk and Mary got up and stood by her husband's side, grabbing his hand.

"Honey, this is Kate's girlfriend, Elijah. She's here to meet us. Remember about dinner?" Mary explained to him.

Elijah then got up and walked in front of him and held her hand out with a smile. "It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm Elijah Black." He didn't say anything, but just stared at her with shock. Then he looked over her shoulder to look at Kate.

"Y-you're gay, Kate?" He asked.

Kate got up and over to her girlfriend's side, "Yeah, I've been meaning to tell you. In fact, it was a surprise. So... surprise." She smiled nervously and made jazz hands.

He still didn't say anything. "Honey? Are you okay?" Mary asked in concern.

"Um. I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry for the trouble." Elijah apologized, but Kate grabbed her hand.

"Oh no, you didn't do anything Elijah. You're okay. I guess we should've told him sooner." Mary reassured her.

Kates father then cleared his throat, "Uh-sorry, um, it's very nice to meet you Elijah. I'm Greg." He smiled and stuck out his hand for her to take. And she took it with a smile.

"Well then, lets eat." Mary announced.

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