Chapter Fourty-Eight

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"He did what?" She was clearly frightened. She couldn't speak anymore, she only adjusted the bandage on her face. I gritted my teeth. Come on Lila. Why like this? Why do this to my girl right now? Fucking idiot I swear, can never get things right.

"I-I have to tell everyone he's alive, he's still in there somewhere I know he is-"



"No fucking way. Marinette we have the gang in our hands now. I just attended a meeting for whoever was the take over the gang. I was elected to be so. Nino might turn down the offer and I'm willing to take it" her eyes widen.

"C-Cato is that all you care about now? What happened to stepping back for a bit?"

"Marinette this was the plan. I want to stick to it"

"N-No that wasn't the plan. You said we would take a step back after we got married!" She crossed her arms across her chest.

"Yes Marinette. I know. We will. But after. It's very important to me. Please understand that"


"Don't fucking question me again. Do you not trust me?" I glared at her. What is wrong with her? She showed feared. She's grown weak ever since he's come back in her life. I miss the old her. It's like I don't know this person almost. Especially since his 'death', it's gotten worse. Even worse.

"Yes I do. That's why I married you but-" she added emphasis on you but I still interrupted her.

"The I don't want you talking about him again do you hear me loud and clear?" My voice rose a little. Her eyes narrowed and she stared at the floor.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Do you hear me?" She bit her lip and nodded. Was I too harsh? Who can give a fuck anymore? I then walked out without another word.



He's my husband. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean it. I'm over thinking everything. Maybe he just wasn't ready for the change yet? Maybe. Yes that had to be it right? It had to be.

He had to understand that I need the cat.

I need to know what happened those other days. Other wise I'm going to slowly drown myself in worry. I need to know. I don't know why. But I need to know. I'm scared of the unknown.

I fucking hate his shit. Everything just needs to slow down, the marriage, the fake suicide, the ki-...the thing. I sighed, rubbing my forehead from the other headache that was coming about. This is stressing me out too much. I'm stressing out too much. I got into my work clothes, taking to yo yo and swinging away.


This time I went to the Colosseum. I just watched all the people. It was late out now. I just needed distance I think. I'm sure by tonight Cato should be fine. Maybe he made a mistake with his words earlier? Maybe he wasn't thinking straight because I said his name. But I always feel like he's hiding something from me. All the time. It's worrying.

I then heard something. Someone jumping onto the concrete next to me. I stood up and began to swing the yo yo around. I glanced around myself, watching intently. Don't be him. Don't be the cat. I don't think I can handle myself right now. Then Alya popped up, peeking her head over the wall. "You scared the shit out of me! Don't fucking do that!"

"Sorry, not use to the whole jumpy thing with you" she then came over, sitting on the edge just as I was. I sat with her sighing. "What are you doing out here?"

"Clearing my head...Alya...the cats not dead" her eyes widen.

"Oh don't have to be in denial. I know it's hard but sometimes you just have to come into terms with reality" she put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I pushed her away getting up again.

"I'm not in denial! He's not dead. He was in the institute. He took a small box from his old office"  she took out her flute a tune coming from it.

The same box appeared on the ledge. She picked it up in her hand passing it to me. "Please tell me it didn't look like this" but I nodded. It did. The same butterfly pendant. "He took the Hawkmoth Kwami. It's even more powerful than Chat Noir's Kwami" I only gulped. "Marinette if he is alive where did he go? Why would he take it?!"

"He left with someone. A girl. She actually had almost the same costume as you" her eyes widen even more, she pulled out her phone. She dialed quickly.

"Nino? Nino, Lila has the Hawkmoth Kwami. Adrien isn't dead" he spoke from the other line for a bit.

"Put the institute on lock down. We have a rat. Adrien told you, fucking idiot why didn't we listen to him?" I looked at her in confusion. A rat? They talked some more. My eyes went up. I trailed the skyline. All of this is too much. I saw a butterfly. Fluttering through the air. It was peaceful almost. Then Alya grabbed me. She pulled me away from the ledge.

"Whatever you do, do not get upset! Do not! Do you hear me?" I just nodded giving her a confused look again. The butterfly went away, back to wherever it came from. Then it disappeared from view.

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