3K SPECIAL! Naomi and the Flour Incident

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Hello people! I have an important message to bring to y'all today... KATLYN IS BACK! HOORAY! *throws confetti* Also, we're at the 3,000 read special! (And y'all get an inside look with Naomi!) Hope you enjoy!


HI! Ms. Sencen? reached Rank TWO in KOTLC! It's only been on the site for about 2 months, with 9 parts! AND WE'RE ALREADY RANKED 2? YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Thanks for 3,875 reads too! I can't even express my happiness in words!


July 20th, Present Day, Alternate Universe, Around 2 A

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July 20th, Present Day, Alternate Universe, Around 2 A.M.

Naomi's POV:

It's not exactly my fault that the house is a mess right now. You see, my brothers did it... even if I forced them to. Well, my ability is my ability, and Mom says not to be ashamed of who you are. So technically, it could also be blamed on her, because she wants me to use my Talent.

Okay, fine. Maybe it was my fault. 

But Malik was really annoying me and Favian was studying too much! 

And if I want to have fun with my brothers and they won't cooperate, then who's to say I can't make them? I just want it to be like the old times, when Malik wasn't obsessed with himself and Favian wasn't obsessed with school! Is it really that bad to want everything to stay the same?

Mom says that change is something that you just have to accept, and Dad says that change is something you should take advantage of. I say that change is something that shouldn't happen, because change is new and new can never be a good thing.

I just want to be the little sister forever. The one who can make her brothers smile and laugh, the one who can be the person they need, not this new Naomi who is afraid and stubborn and angry all the time.

I don't want to grow up! Ever!

It's time to take things back. It's time to make things the way they were before, when I was the prankster little girl and my brothers were my partners in crime, when Dad would cover for us and Mom would know it was me but still pretend she didn't know.

I just don't want change. Is that too much to ask?

Anyways, enough about my problems. Let's talk about Malik. He's being so annoying. All the time.

I mean, he's my brother and I love him, but he's going through poobertie or whatever Mom called it. She won't tell my anything about it, because apparently I'm not "mature enough" to know what it means without "relentlessly teasing" my brother.

Sounds about right.

Well, he's being a jerk to everyone, except to Thea. I bet they're dating and doing all sorts of mushy stuff that I'd rather not say. Maybe they've even...

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