Saying Goodbye~Tom Hiddleston

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In loving memory of Stan Lee

I dropped everything and rushed home the second I heard the news, running a few lights and going at least ten over the speed limit at all times.

I was in such a hurry, I barely put the car in park when I pulled into the garage. I didn't even bother to lock the car or close the garage door, probably not the smartest things on my end, but it was the last thing on my mind.

I busted through the door, not even closing it behind me, immediately looking for Tom.


No answer. I dropped my bag on the ground and ran for the stairs which led up to our bedroom, silently praying Tom would be there.

"Tom, sweetheart?"

I called again, listening for his lovely voice.


A weak voice called. I hurried to the closed bedroom door, opening it and finding the most heart-wrenching scene before me. Tom's normally blue eyes were puffy and red, bloodshot from crying and staring up at me with the sadness of the world steaming out of them; he sat on the edge of our bed, his coat still draped over his shoulders. He stood, standing awkwardly as if he didn't know what to do with himself.

Instantly after seeing him, a lump starting forming in my own throat, tears threatening to spill over my own eyes,

"Oh, Tom."

I ran over to him, immediately taking him in my arms. He hugged me with such desperation, as if he thought I would disappear if he let go. Soft sobs escaped his mouth and tears fell from his cheeks and landed onto the top of my head.

"He's gone, (Y/n), he's just...gone."

"I know, sweetheart, I'm so sorry."

Tom raised a hand to my head, tangling his fingers in my hair and placing a prolonged kiss on my forehead.

"I've known it was coming for years, but," he took a long breath, trying to steady his voice, "I didn't know how much it would hurt."

I lifted my head to meet his eyes—they were glowing just as much as mine were—raising a hand to his cheek to wipe away some of the fresh tears.

"I know it hurts, love, but he is in a better place. He is with his beloved wife now and I'm sure he is proud of the life he lived. He will be remembered forever in his work, in his family, and in all of those that loved him. Uncle Stan is going to watch over all of us, making cameos in our everyday lives."

That made Tom laugh a little bit, loosening some of the tension in the air. He kissed my forehead once again, then each cheek, and finally, my lips. I raised both of arms and wrapped them around his neck, he kissed me with such love. After he pulled away, he held me for a few minutes more.

"We all loved him so much. We all owe him our careers and so much more, and I never got to repay him."

"That's where you are wrong,"

He gave me a confused look.

"You, and everyone else, made his work come to life. You created characters that will live through the tests of time, beloved by all who see them. I don't want you you carry guilt because of this; he loved all of you and you loved him. I'm sure that's all he could ask for."

Tom smiled, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes filled with fresh tears. He blinked several times, trying to stop the tears from flowing, but they were inevitable.

"You know, one time when I was talking to him, he mentioned you."

"He did?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, he told me to hang on to you. That I had found myself a good woman and to not let you slip from my grasp."

My smile touched each of my ears. I couldn't believe Uncle Stan said that about me.

"And what did you say?"

He smirked, "I told him I had no intention of letting you go, ever."

I pulled him down for another kiss, he gladly complied. I knew Uncle Stan was gone, but his memory would live on in every single one of us. From Robert who had been there for the whole ride to Tom Holland who just barely joined, they all loved him the same and owed him everything.

Goodbye Stan Lee, you made all of our lives more adventurous. I hope you are having your own adventures with Joan now. Please keep watching over all of us.

The struggle of trying not to cry while writing this was real.

Words cannot even describe how broken hearted I was when I heard the news about Stan Lee. My day was pretty messed up after that. One of my really good friends was sitting next to me as I wrote it and she was not happy.

She saw the gif and instantly knew what I was doing. She's currently staring me down.

Regardless, I knew I needed to write something about it. Stan Lee has been a hero to me for so many years and losing him has been really hard. He gave me my childhood and I wanted to honor him in my own way.

I'm also doing my senior project on him, so I'm excited to learn more about him. He was an amazing man.

I'm sorry if I made any of you sad, crying Tom is pretty scarring.

<3 Dragoraven

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