Chapter 21: Myles

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We all wore black, our shoes were a dull noir leather that matched with the suits we were wearing. The only colorful things around us were the twenty-one Panamanian flags that represented the lives lost. The flapped in the wind only adding to the mourning songs that the nI stood on weak knees three days after the bombing. My black leather shoes matched my suit. The shoes matched the sunglasses everyone wore. The feeling of darkness seeped into the mood. The only thing of color was nature and the twenty-six Panamanian flags that represented the lives of those who died before their time. The flags flapped in the wind, which added to the somber song the national band played from a position out of sight.

We stood in the middle of a large stage surrounded by stairs that people looked up from. There was a level above us wide enough for several people to look down on what normally was an interactive play, that's where the families stood. I could hear fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers, wives and children who held the ashes. The emotions were like a weight on my chest.

The weather matched the mood. Thick gray clouds above obscured the sun from view and wind billowed past us. Everyone wore blank expressions waiting for us to speak. Bernardo put his fingertips to my arm, and I reached to grab his hand. With a half step forward so I was closer to the microphone that hovered in the air, I took a deep breath before I began my speech in Spanish.

"I want to begin this with thanks to those both here physically and through the internet. I would also like to thank those who are providing security all over the kingdom. I want you all to know that we see and respect the results of the many hours spent doing selfless acts, thankless work, and menial tasks. Sadly, we have to come together today to send off twenty-six brothers and sisters of the kingdom. I am sad to say that twenty-six crematory urns will join the thousands of others around us. They will rest among the strongest, bravest, and wisest people Panama has ever had the pleasure of housing." I paused when Bernardo squeezed my hand as he said he would if I talked too fast throughout the speech. When I calmed myself I continued.

"Their legacy is one of calor, integrity, sacrifice, and peace. I promise to everyone here that their deaths won't be in vain. We will put an end to the Muerte de la Corona and the chaos they have tried to foster. We will make them face justice for the atrocities they've perpetrated. We will put in the work necessary to clarify that Panama will no longer be a safe-haven for those who are fleeing the consequences of their actions in other kingdoms." People clapped and cheered, so I waited for them to calm before continuing.

"I want our love for those who have died to be indisputable around the world. I wish for our brothers and sisters to find comfort in the mysterious beyond. Please take a moment of silence in remembrance." I took a step back. Bernardo took a step forward in my place.

"Thank you for observing the moment of silence. We will now dismiss the gathering and allow the families' privacy as they place their loved ones at the last resting place. Please be safe, prosperity to Panama," he said. The crowd echoed back the chant, and guards who were waiting at the side surrounded us. People bowed as our guard detail ushered us to our vehicles and I could finally take a calming breath of air.

"Are you okay?" I looked over at him and shrugged. "I'll be fine, it's the families I worry about. We gave them money, but that's just a bandaid to their problems. Those deaths changed forever the dynamics of how they live. Celine didn't die, but the injury changed the way my parents operated. It will be worse for those families and I can't shake the feeling of responsibility. I don't know if I can live like his." My palms had grown clammy, which made it hard for me to undo the buttons around my wrist.

"You can't put this all on yourself. This is the fault of the terrorist. They did this for no reason. There isn't a change that we made that would warrant attacks from any sane individuals." I tried to think of what we could have implemented that would make someone angry enough to attack at random, but I couldn't think of anything.

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