Chapter 44

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I hear the constant beep of a heart monitor. I feel like I am floating.

Faint voices can be heard. Male voices.

My dad and Blaze?

I can't hear what they are saying. But from their tone, I can guess they are arguing over something.

I feel the warmth on my hand. As if someone is holding it. I can't see who it is, but from the soft feminine sobs and her scent, I know it is my mom.

I want to wake up to ask all of them to shut up. But I am too tired as I am once again pulled into the oblivion of sleep.


I slowly open my eyes. The white light is too blinding.

As soon as she sees me gaining back my consciousness I hear my mom calling me,


Aah, the sweet sweet melody of mom's voice. No wonder dad fell in love with her. I used to wish I was half as graceful as her.

When she sees me trying to get up, she immediately rushes over and adjusts the pillow for me.

"How are you now? Are you feeling okay? Any signs if nausea or dizziness?" She asks me holding my elbow.

I pull away from her and give her a blank stare. Why is she so concerned about me now?

What did she say again?

Forgot me? Yeah right! And her memory suddenly came back upon seeing me. Yeah, I don't buy it. With all that beauty, you wouldn't expect her to be a fake.

And yet, why do her eyes look so sincere?

She looks hurt by my rejection as if she is trying to hold back tears. For a second, I feel guilty. Especially since she has dark circles under her eyes and she looks like she may have lost some sleep over me.

She rings the bell to alert the nurses and the doctor, and soon they come running.

She also seems to be texting dad. I could intercept the signals to know what exactly she is texting but I couldn't be bothered.

The doctor runs some tests on me while I lay motionless for it to finish.

I try speaking with Zian.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?" I shout in my mind.

She doesn't respond to me.

I close my eyes and rub my head.

"Are you okay? Do you need water?" My ever-observant mother's voice cuts through.

I ignore her.


I shout.

No response.

I can feel her there. She is purposefully ignoring me. Sly wolf.

As soon as I hear the doctor telling my mom that I am alright I rip out the tubes that were sticking into my veins and get out of the bed.

My mom screams at me to get back on the bed while the doctor tries to reason.

"Miss Zara, you have been severely dehydrated and you need the blood transfusion, else your body would not able to function properly." He says.

I glare at him. And at my mom.

I can see her and the nurses behind her swallowing in fear.

"Zara, please..." my mother says, her voice trailing off. Her eyes brim over with tears. What an excellent actress. I want to feel sorry for her. I really do.

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