Burning Execution

41 0 0

Lost Memories
Trial of Byakuya Togami
3 ????

*Arian's POV*

Dammit, Teruteru....

"Um...y-you look really tired, Rion...are you okay?" Mikan asked as I slowly nodded and placed by elbows on the stand, resting my head on them. Somehow, my stand ended up next to Chiaki and Mikan.

"You fucking bastard! Why!?" Kuzuryu shouted, probably at Teruteru as he was a stuttering mess right now. "Obvious. He wanted to kill Nagito" I said, yawning and trying not to fall asleep. "Huh? Wake your ass up! Our classmate is about to get fucking executed and you want to sleep!?" Kuzuryu shouted at me as I flipped him off and sat up.

"No, shithead. Nobody can sleep knowing that their classmate is about to get executed over an accidental kill" I explained, making everyone but Nagito turn towards me.

"Accidental...kill...?" Peko mumbled as I nodded. "Body language is a key evidence and can be used to tell when something is up...along with keen eyes. You have to notice everything...otherwise, you won't make it far in this environment. I'll let Teruteru explain. I'm too tired to do so" I said and laid on Mikan's arm (she was close by...what do you expect? Tall people are good pillows!) and Teruteru explained his plan.

I'll summarize:

Nagito planned everything and actually tried to kill someone, more than likely Byakuya...however, Teruteru found out and planned to kill Nagito before he could do anything...but he accidentally killed Byakuya in the process.

Poor chef was played all along and fell into his trap...

Now...he's about to exit the game...

"Now then! I've prepared a special execution for Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook. It's punishment...HUH?!" Monokuma kept pushing the red button, but nothing happened. Everyone sighed in relief, but Monokuma growled. Whoops!

"Dammit! Monomi!" He turned towards Usami, who shrugged her shoulders while spinning around. She was still tied up. "It wasn't me. I didn't rig the execution. If I could stop the execution as a whole, I would!" She said, facing everyone as I raised an eyebrow at her. Everyone at this point was trying to calm themselves down, thinking that Monokuma is calling bluff.

Other clones of Monokuma slowly appeared in the darkness, spears ready to kill. Nobody seemed to notice but me. "Wai-"

"Okay, then. Plan B! Kill the blackened!" Monokuma shouted as all of our stands were separated from Teruteru's. Guess he has a backup plan this time around.

After Monokuma separated our stands from Teruteru, who was tied up to a pole with a pool of lava underneath him, the mini Monokumas surrounded him. Teruteru tried desperately to escape as the pole started to lower itself into the lava...but failed as they started to throw the spears at him rapidly.

I don't know which came first. The final blow with the spear, everything from his knees down was burning...but his last words was "Mama" before he was silenced...and disappeared.

"What the fuck!? Where'd his body go!?" Kuzuryu asked/shouted as everyone started to look around for Teruteru's body, which disappeared. Monokuma glared at everybody, but I yawned, close to falling asleep, not caring about finding the body...

"Grrr! When I found out who took the body, you will be punished on the spot!" He said, disappearing as he said that. Monomi vanished with him. Some was confused and others were terrified with what they just saw, but everyone felt one thing...



●Chapter 1●
●Destination Despair●
●Lost Memories●
Data Collected!
View Results?

Yes? ● No?

Students Alive: 15/17
Students Dead:
Chapter One:
Byakuya Togami
Ultimate Affluent Progeny
Murdered by 5mm Iron Skewer
Teruteru Hanamura
Ultimate Cook
Executed by Monokuma

Beginning Intermission #1
●Word Count: 624●

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