🌻 Fall || Susie X Shy! Reader

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[ a/n ] || requested by makousho!


You carefully peek by the wall that was blocking the view of the other side of the room. Your elbows and knees were magnetic to your body as you did so.

In a full range of what your sight can reach, you witness the gathering of people in the canteen. Each has a different set of a group of friends. However, despite the crowded area wherein you could barely see the trays and menu set in front of the cafeteria, your eyes were focused at someone else.

You avert your eyes to that specific person.

"Yo! Susie! Come sit with Kris and I!" You hear from a distance, the voice of MK who invites the monster over to their table.

"No. I'm good alone." Susie rejects the offer and pays attention to the current meal she was having for lunch.

In your perspective, you don't think Susie is introverted or anything like that. Even though she prefers to be alone, whenever she interacts with people it's most likely delivered through a way that's, well, intimidating.

But still, you managed to stalk her for several days now. You fear talking to her, not because she's scary but because she might not be interested with you and that thought hurts you a ton.

You see Susie take a bite of her odd food which was chalk in a disguise. A food disguise, no matter how silly it sounds.

But anyway, this wasn't the case for you. You're extremely shy. An approach of a person would tingle your senses up and feel an intense emotion of discomfort. Yet, you have to admit. You like Susie. You couldn't deny and it's peculiar since there's nothing much to like about her since she's a troublemaker in school, feared and disliked by most people.

Although it doesn't seem like it now. She does interact with Kris quite often these days. A glimmer of hope shines within you. This would mean, you can slowly start to approach and talk to her so that at the very least, she knows your existence is valid.

But, what was stopping you?

"Quiet people piss me off."

Ah, that monologue. You heard what she said a few days ago. That saddens you a lot since you were one of those quiet people. You sigh sadly, slowly walking out of your hiding spot to get your lunch.

You feel hopeless. Hopeless about the possible fact that your secret crush hates you. But then again, a thought crossed your mind.

How could you hate someone that you don't even know exist?

* You start to feel like crap.

And from the word crap, things start to get a little crappy as you trip upon an unseen defective tile.

"Eeek!" You manage to say before your entire being meets with the cold surface.

Then you remember all those dramatic fall scenes in K-drama and anime in which someone with devilishly good looking and a soft-hearted person catches you before your fall. And since you were near to Susie's table, you instantly assume she would catch you.

You close your eyes in excitement. In not less than a second, someone catches you.

* . . .

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