Chapter 7

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"His name is D'artagnan," Dustin expresses as he reaches and picks up the lizard-like creature.

Growing up with these boys, you've seen your fair share of unusual and strange things.. but this has to take the cake.

"Cute, right?" Dustin questions with a grin as he holds out his palm to all of you. You lean back into Max a bit, wincing at the unsightly creature.

"You have a name for it?" You ask as he nods his head ecstatically.

"Yes I do, Dart for short! Check him out," Dustin shrugs while passing Dart to you, not giving you a chance to prepare yourself.

You feel disgusting as the slimy creature sits in the palms of your hands, staring up at you, or at least you thought it was since it's eyes are almost too small to see. Humming in fascination, you watch as it rubs against the side of your thumb.

It's body is a yellowish-orange color and its tail is longer than its body. It's mouth looking like a tiny flower and it's tongue was little. You couldn't help but start to like it.

Chuckling to yourself, you pass it to Max quickly. She has no choice but to take it.

"Oh God he's slimy!" She squeals as she passes it to Lucas with no hesitation.

"Ew he's like a living booger!" Lucas almost throws it towards Will, wanting to get rid of it quickly.

Will only recoils in revulsion before finally passing it to Mike, who holds Dart for a while like you, examines it closely.

"What is he?" Mike questions as he brings Dart up to eye level.

"My question exactly," Dustin replies while leaning over to his bag to pull out at least 5 books and setting them down on the desk with a thump.

"You can read?" you mumble with a snicker, making Dustin glare at you for a moment. You held back the rest of your chuckles as Dustin begins.

"At first I thought it was some sort of pollywog-," "Pollywog?" Max cuts Dustin off with a confused shrug and a head shake.

"Another word for tadpole," Lucas explains with a side glance at Max. Mike sets Dart back down on the table.

You bend down to the table and use one finger to rub the top of his head. Dart coos and begins dragging himself towards you.

"Tadpoles are-," "I know what a tadpole is," Max rolls her eyes, cutting Dustin off yet again.

"Then you know that they are aquatic. Well Dart isn't. He doesn't need water," Dustin relays, waving his hands towards Dart in a pointed way.

"Aren't there nonaquatic pollywogs?" Lucas asks as he sits on a nearby seat in the room, leaning his elbow on the back piece of the chair.

"Terrestrial pollywogs? Yes, two to be exact," Dustin continues while turning to a page in one of the books.

"Indirana semipalmate," He opens one book and points to the section on the page with a small drawn picture of the tadpole.

He then opens the second book, pointing to another page, "And the Adenomera andreae."

"Are those Greek or Latin names?" you question as Dart opens his mouth to latch onto your finger. You quickly pull your finger away from him.

"I don't know, but ones from India and the other from South America. If it's a terrestrial pollywog, how did one end up in my trash?" Dustin asks with a shrug while looking around the room that had grown suspiciously quiet.

"Maybe some scientists brought it here and it escaped," Max suggests with a laugh, obviously joking.

Her comment made your eyes widen and side glance at her with suspicion and fear.

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