Chapter 33

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Olympian Throne Room

As the young daughter of the moon looked into the eyes of the Primordial of the Pit, she took a step.

Most would think she would step towards her father for protection or back away from the Primordial, but instead she took a step towards him.

Unknown to the Gods in the room, Tartarus wasn't there to attack the young demigod. But to do the opposite.

Percy smiled as his first born daughter walked to the newly refreshed and no longer evil man.

Tartarus was surprised to see the young new immortal walk towards him considering everything he had done to her. She stopped less than a foot away from the embodiment of the Pit before she smiled at him with so much kindness and softness he returned her smile.

Never had the Primordial council seen Tartarus smile, so what made him do this?

"Miss Zoe... I would like to apologize for my actions towards you and your family. There is no excuse for you to believe me but I speak the truth when I say I was possessed by my evil side and that I am deeply sorry." the Primordial looked at the ground below him where his domain resided even if he was the embodiment of it.

Zoe stood in her spot frozen for a moment before she again smiled at the primordial with a hint of respect in her eyes.

"I once knew a boy who was bullied for things that he didn't deserve to be bullied for..." she started look away back at her dad then back at the Primordial that needed her wisdom. "A few years later the boy that was once bullied became a very well known man, then one day the bully came back but not to terrorize him, no, but to apologize."

"Why are you telling me this?" The Primordial wondered voicing everyone's question running in their head.

Zoe just smiled and shook her head before looking at her dad again who was smiling at his daughter with so much love and warmth that could melt a glacier.

"It takes a lot to own up to our mistakes and an even greater deal to confront the person that was affected because of it. I'm telling you this because I forgive you and want to tell you that you are strong but not because of your power, but because of your ability to feel."

The Primordial along with everyone in the room was stunned by the girl in front of them. This girl was wise beyond her years and kinder than anyone that had every met.

"Thank you Zoe." Tartarus said standing and walking over to his father who smiled widely and embraced him telling him how sorry he was for his actions.

Zoe smiled at the father-son moment before her sweet, kind eyes turned into a glare at her father.

"Now that you're here dad, I can finally ask you what the big secret is all about." Percy flinched when he saw his daughters glare. Zoe's glare was almost as badass as Artemis' on a good day.

Yeah Artemis' glares are that scary.

"Anything." Percy said meaning it. He was tired of lying and keeping his relationship with Artemis in the dark. He wanted his family to finally be whole for the first time since she was born.

"Before you do that I suggest be bring the demigods here to witness this." Chaos suggested.

Hermes nodded and flashed away to get the demigods before reappearing with them all looking somewhat confused.

Zeus explained what was happening to the demigods who tried to bow to Chaos who told them not to bow and were now looking at Zoe and Percy.

"Now that everyone is settled, Zoe why don't you ask your father what you asked me." Zoe turned towards her father with determination clear in her sea green, gold, and silver eyes.

"Who is my mother?"

Percy looked up at Artemis seeing her somewhat struggling to contain her emotions even if he was the only one to notice this. He turned back to his daughter and smiled knowing he wasn't going to tell her.

"You know that I am not your godly father, but I am your biological father," the demigods in the room gasped at this. "What does that mean?"

Zoe looked at her father somewhat confused but answered.

"I was conceived while you were still a demigod. What does this have to do with anything?" Zoe demanded somewhat irritated. He father smirked seeing the resemblance between Artemis and his daughter.

"Have you ever wondered why you are so good at archery?" He asked looking her straight in the eyes while a grey eyed daughter of Athena along with the Primordial gasped.

Annabeth Chase immediately broke down into tears drawing attention to herself and notifying everyone that she knew who Zoe's mother was.

Zoe looked over at the daughter of Athena with wide eyes before her father turned her head towards him and smiled. Zoe took a step away from her father and turned back the the blonde princess curls.

"Annabeth, why are you crying?" Annabeth looked up at the daughter of Ares, Clarisse.

"Think about it Clarisse!" Annabeth yelled with tears still streaming down her face. "It's not hard... she's in this room."

Zoe turned her head from the daughter of Athena and daughter of Ares to the council, who were still sitting in their thrones.

Again Zoe continued to look at the goddesses in the council before her eyes landed on those of the silver eyed goddess.


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