Dec. 16-Part 6

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Nova Malfoy POV

             After I ran off I mentally slapped myself why did I do that? Every-time a guy looks at me like that I just slap them and say,"Fück off" or "Eyes up here" and then walk away, but I just acted so nervous and now he probably thinks he can take advantage of me. Well that ain't gonna happen I am going to act like that never happened and be just like I always am.  I walked up to the room to see my siblings waiting for me.
               I open the door and laugh at the scene. Scorpious was chasing Cassie  around the couch and Neptune was sitting in the middle of the chaos smiling. "Cassie, Scorp , Neptune Do you guys want to play hide and seek?" They all shook their heads. "Do you guys want to play with Satan?" They immediately started jumping up and down nodding their heads. I sighed . "Ok," I sat down on my knees, " Satan come here girl" A black cat came and put his paws on my knees. "Now I   am going to go to the library," I looked at Satan,"so play nice." They all nodded except Satan who purred. I got up and walked out the door. Yes I have a cat that is named Satan. Give me a break I named him when I was 5. When we first got him we started clawing my dad's shoes, so my dad yelled at him calling him Satan and I , not knowing what that meant, named my cat Satan.
              I got into a golden elevator and pressed floor 2. The elevator went down and stopped at 5. The guy from earlier got in. He looked at me uncomfortably. Then the sluts got in. They were all crowded around a magazine. I Looked at the cover to see what they were talking about and saw a picture of my dad. The caption said  "MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR IS DRACO MALFOY" and under that there was a subtitle that said " Read the rumors about Mr.Malfoy on page 73" I tried to hold in a laugh, but failed miserably. Luckily the elevator reached floor 2 releasing me from that prison. I know, I know, I am being really dramatic , but hey I am an actress it's what I do. I reached the library and it was marvelous. There were beautiful white columns reaching up from the floor. Every inch of every wall was covered in books. The library was so big it had its on elevator! I got in the elevator and pressed the up button. I got all the way to the top of the library and started searching the walls, finally I found the book I was looking for. "Hogwarts; A History" I muttered. I put on my reading glasses and started reading. I didn't realize how long I had been until I looked at my phone to see it was 7:45 pm. I realized I had to be back at the room at 8. I shut the book put it back on the shelf. Realizing that the elevator would take too long I jumped onto a column and slid down. I landed with a thump and burst into a full speed run.
            I got to the room and opened the door just as the clock turned to 8. I panted as I closed the door. My mom walked up to me and took off my glasses. "Reading again?" she asked while placing my glasses on a table. I nodded my head. She chuckles. "Make sure to feed Satan before you go to bed," she turned to me, " Oh and Cassie cut her wrist on the table." I nodded. She went into her room leaving me alone. I filled Satan's food bowl and went into Cassie's room and saw her laying in her bed. I kneeled by her bed and shook her awake. She looked at me and then showed me her wrist. It had a long cut on it. I held onto it and muttered a spell. A gold light emitted and the wound closed up leaving no mark. Cassie turned around and went back to sleep. I went to my room and changed into my pajamas (the picture above), got into my bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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