Chapter Three

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|Hope's POV|

We got out of the car and kept fooling around. That was all we did while Adam drove us here. "So are you sure you're going to this school?" Jason asked me once again. He kept asking the whole ride here. I've answered him over five times, but I guess he still doesn't believe me. I take a piece of paper and give it to him. It was my schedule. It even said the name of the high school on top, with my name. He gave it back to me and left to get his stuff out of the trunk of the car.

"Jason, we can get our stuff later once we get our rooms." Adam said. Jason nodded, and the four of us walk to the front of the school. I stood behind the three of them so I can slightly hide.

"Oh, welcome back Adam. Are you here to get your friend's schedule's?" The lady at the desk asks.

Adam nods. "Yup. So this is Jason, Ty and Hope. They're all going to this school."

"Uh, where's the Hope?" The lady asks. I step to the side away from Jason to wave at the lady and give her a small 'hello.' The three of them looked at me confused.

"Don't tell me you're that shy." Jason says.

"I'm being polite. I'm not shy." I correct him.

"Doesn't really seem like it." He picks me up the puts me down so the lady can see me. I turned around to glare at him, and he just smiled back.

"Alright, I need your last names." The lady says.

"Young." I mutter.



"Okay, so I found all of your schedules, and here are the keys to your dorms, since you are staying in dorms, right?" She asked. The three of us nod. She hands us each a key and says, "So Hope. I'm going to guess you're wondering why you're a girl in an all boy school." I nod to her. "Well you're not the only one. There's about ten girls including you. But you're kind of a test subject. We want to see if this school is capable of having girls. That's all I can really tell you right now, so I'm going to let Adam lead you to your rooms."

"Thank you." I say.

"Oh yea, have a wonderful year kids." She adds before we leave for the hallway. I saw two kids that must've been my age hanging out together.

"Look Emily. You're not the only girl. I told you." A boy with long black hair that covered his eyes like Ty's said.

"Alex, didn't the lady at the front ready say that?" She wore a tank top with a flannel shirt around her waist.

"Earth to Hope. Are you there?"

I shook my head lightly. "Yea, sorry. I was just watching something."

"Oh, well I asked you what room number you had." Adam said.

"25." I murmured.

"Oh, you guys have rooms close to each other." He says. "Lucky. My room is on the second floor." We end up at my room pretty fast.

"I'm going to guess that you already have a roommate." Jason says as I walk into my room.

"Yea, I'm pretty sure I have one." I say looking at the locked bathroom door.

"Well then good luck." He says while leaving. He closed the door and sat on the bed that was completely empty. There was luckily two of everything. Two beds, two desks, two closets and two tables to work on. How in the world do the find the money to do this? It's a public school.

I heard the bathroom door being opened and I didn't bother to look, thinking it was a girl anyways.

"A girl?" I heard a male's voice. I quickly turn around to see a boy with wet hair and a towel around his waist. I stare at him in shock and he did the same to me.

"I- um... S-sorry." I stuttered. I quickly covered my eyes and felt my face heat up again.


Idea by: Endless_Eclipse
Edited by: madxturnt

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