Chapter 42

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When I woke up the next morning, it was nearing ten o'clock and Jake still had his arms around me. The house smelled of something wonderful. It was the perfect fall scent, like a mix of cinnamon rolls and hot apple cider.

"Babe, you up?" Jake asked suddenly.

"Yeah, when did you get up?" I asked.

"A few minutes ago," he said.

"Bet you didn't sleep any better than I did. Did you?" I asked.

"I was too worried about you to sleep properly baby," he said, kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry about me," I said.

"Therapy?" He asked softly. "We've gotta talk about it eventually."

"I know," I said. "We should probably go include Dad in that conversation."

"Yeah, we should," he said.

We got out of bed, interlocking hands almost instantly. I was shivering from the sudden lack of heat.

"Babe, why didn't you throw a hoodie on?" Jake asked.

"Didn't think about it," I mumbled. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we reached the bottom step.

"Morning sunshine," Sue greeted me as she pulled me into a hug.

"Morning Sue," I said softly.

"Better or worse than last night?" She asked.

"About the same, but it's only been one night," I said.

"If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you," she said.

"Thanks," I said.

"Anytime. Your dad is in the kitchen eating breakfast. There's some on the table for you as well. Just make sure you get there before Jake," she said jokingly. I giggled a little and thanked her before heading out to join my father at the table.

"Hey kiddo. How're you doing?" He asked.

"Um, no better or worse than last night," I said.

"Have you given anymore though to therapy?" He asked.

"Have I?" I responded. "No. Has Jake? Yes."

"It'll be good for you," Jake said. I grabbed a couple of cinnamon rolls and started them on my plate so I could start eating.

"It will help," Dad said. "If it makes you feel better, I have to go to therapy too."

"No, it doesn't," I said. "I just don't see the point in sitting there and talking to total strangers about my feelings."

"That's understandable," Dad said.

"You've gotta talk to someone," Jake said.

"I know that, but I just don't wanna talk to someone who makes me uncomfortable," I said. I ate a few bites as Dad and Jake continued to tell me how great a few sessions with a therapist would be for me.

"Isn't there like a support group or something?" I asked.

"That might be something we could put together. I have to go back to the school and deal with the principal and superintendent for a while today. I'll bring it up," Dad said.

"And, Hadley went through this with me. I can always talk to her about this," I said.

"That's true. You should ask her to hang out today. She must be stressed to the max," Jake said.

"Yeah. She can come here if she wants. Or, you can go there. Whatever works. Just remember, Carlisle is going to come talk to you about noon," Dad said.

"I remember," I said. "I'll just make plans for this afternoon."

"And please be nicer to Carlisle than to Bella," he said, cutting a sharp glance at me.

"That was all of us Charlie. Quil and Embry and I weren't really taking the fact that Bella was so mean to Allie before all that well," Jake said.

"Just don't make her cry next time," Dad said.

"I'll try," Jake said, chuckling a little.

Dad got up, taking his plate to the sink and leaving for work. Sure left about fifteen minutes later, leaving Jake and I to our own devices until Carlisle showed up. We just watched some dumb movie and cuddled and talked.

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