Chapter 40

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Edited by: OneIndianWriter

Parth's Pov:

I passed Arsha to Mom, "Mom, have you seen Kavya? They are supposed to be here like an hour ago.", I ran my hand through my hair in exhaustion.

At the mention of her mame, Mom's eyes shined with a mischievous glint, "Um.. I've no idea, Parth. Why don't you go ask Aakansha?", she pointed at her and flew away from there. I have been pacing around the entire house trying to find Kavya, but she is nowhere, her number goes straight to the voicemail so does Reyan's. Everyone else just avoids looking at me or cutting it short when I ask them about her whereabouts.

I approached Aakansha who is busy decorating balloons at the entrance though all of the guests have already come, she is still pretending to be engrossed in decorations.

I narrowed my eyes at her freezing her at her spot, "Hey where are Kavya and Reyan? She should be here by now. Tell me now what your god damn plan is before I lose it. You guys are testing my patience."

"I don't know either, Parth. Try calling them again. Look, I-I've gotta go.", she said and sprinted away to the garden, before I could ask anything further. I sensed something is going on, but what does it have to do with hiding her. Shoving my hands in my pockets I glanced at the living room which is occupied by the guests, most of which are our close relatives. I searched through the crowd looking for Zayn. I strode to his direction but he scurried through the crowd to the opposite direction as soon as he saw me.

But then I noticed Mitali engaged in a serious conversation with a guy near the door to the garden. The closer I got, the more the guy seemed familiar, I have seen him somewhere. His tattoos, ear piercing somewhat felt familiar but it didn't ring any bell. But the first thing's first, I scooted over to her and caught her wrist before she could sprint away like everybody else. She was revolted as she found it was me but instantly she covered it by wearing a not so likely innocent smile.

"Where is Kavya?", I spat out through my gritted teeth. Instead of answering me, she just signalled the guy to go and he sped away to the dark garden.

"Can somebody tell me where in the hell my wife is?"

The chaos inside the living room died down once I lost it as my voice boomed all over. Everyone went silent which made me wonder more about what the fuck is going on.

Just then the lights went off inside the house, "What's going on?", the room went dark as a hollow space.

Seconds later the lights in the garden were turned on. I squinted my eyes at the sudden brightness as I opened the glass door to the garden to see how it turned into an enchanting party venue. The trees are lit up with ivy and festoon lights.

Not the colourful flower, nor the number of heart shaped balloons brightened the night, but she did, when her lips curled up into a breathtaking smile as she stood on the small stage at the center of the garden. She looked flawless in a vibrant red coloured salwar with her brown hair fencing her face which highlighted it's features. Flowers and balloons are lined up on either side of the path, in a typical Aakansha's way. I sighed, "There you are.", I said to myself. She took a long inhale of air when the music went on. Our eyes are glued,

"You're the light,
you're the night
You're the color of my blood"

"Wha-", I whispered to myself when she gripped the microphone in her hands tightly and continued slaying me with her voice,

"Wha-", I whispered to myself when she gripped the microphone in her hands tightly and continued slaying me with her voice,

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