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"Miley, are you ready princess?" Dad says as I walk out of my new rooms door
"Where are we going?" I ask as O hand Rocket to one of the maids and she takes him
"We are going on a tour of London, its a new place and I want you and Jack to know where everything is" He says, I nod as we walk down the hall and down the stairs to see Mom and Jack ready

"Joe is bringing the car up front dear" Mom tells dad who nods and I stand next to Jack
"Jack" I say, he looks down at me
"Whats wrong?" He asks, I sigh
"I dont want to live here" I say making him sigh this time
"It's our third day here, give it some time" He says, I just nod then Joe comes to my dad and we all go to the car.

We've been riding around all of London for a long time and I'm hungry
"I'm hungry" I announce making Jack chuckle
"When aren't you?" He jokes and I stick my tongue out to him making him do it back
"We'll get burgers" Dad says then tells Joe something who nods and we pull into a burger place making my stomach growl. We all get down and walk in, I order then go to the bathroom.

I bump into someone making us both fall
"Ow" We both say, I rub my butt as I stand
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" The person says, I look down to see a girl with crazy curly hair and light dark skin looking up at me, I extend my other hand and pull her up

"It's okay, I wasn't looking as well so its both our faults" I say, she cracks a smile
"I like your eyes" She says, I smile
"Thanks, I like your hair" I says, she smiles
"Thanks, my names Danielle but almost everyone calls me Dani" She says extending her arm

"My names Miley, its nice to meet you" I say, we shake hands smiling at each other, a nice feeling in my heart about this girl that tells me we'll be great friends.


"Dani, hurry up" I call out into the dressing rooms then she walks out
"Gosh, you don't let a girl try things on in peace" She says, I shake my head with a small smile on my face as we walk back to the clothes as she places them back
"What do you think?" I say holding a hot pink dress in front of me and she scrunches her nose and shakes her head

"No, Miley, that color isn't for you babe" She says, I shrug and put it back as we walk further down the aisle
"Excuse me you dropped this" We both turn around to see a guy handing me my money
"Oh thank you" I say and take it from him
"You're welcome, should be more careful" He says

"You're Australian?" Dani asks, the guy nods
"Yes, just came here a couple weeks ago" He says and I smile
"I'm Miley" I say and shake his hand
"And I'm Dani" Dani says shaking his hand, he smiles at us

"My names Bryan" He says and I smile
"Would you like to hang out with us? We were just about to go for some food" I say, he nods
"Yeah, I already finished here" He says and we all walk out to the food court


"Miley, wake up" I groan and pull the covers over my face
"Sweet heart, its time for you to shower. We have to get back home" I open my eyes and pull the covers off my face to see my mom and she smiles
"What time is it?" I ask, she checks her watch

"Almost 9 in the morning, the jet is all set for us to fly back to London" She says and I sigh
"Okay, I'll be right out" I say, she smiles then kisses my forehead
"Hurry now baby, so we could eat" She says as she walks out
I pull my suitcase off the bed and out the door to see my dad, mom, Jack and Joe ready by the door

"Finally" Jack says and I roll my eyes at him
"It was only 15 minutes dummy" I say, he shrugs
"I'm hungry" He says
"We'll get food on the way, now let's go" Dad says, Joe takes my bag and leads the way, I walk next to Jack and behind our parents as they are hand in hand and talking
"Dad" I say as we step in the elevator
"Yes princess?" He says and I look up at him
"When we get back home, can we, you and I, go somewhere like we used to?" I ask, he smiles
"Of course baby" He says and with his free hand he takes mine and gives it a squeeze making me smile.

I step into the jet and sit down then my parents and lastly Jack and Joe. The plane takes off and I look out of the window and down to Las Vegas, then we're in the clouds. I look away and see my mom resting her head on my dad's shoulder making me smile, they have known each other since they were 13 years old.

They were friends, close friends and when they were 16-17 they started dating and were boyfriend and girlfriend then at age 25 my dad proposed when mom found out she was pregnant with Jack, they love each other, its so obvious to the world that their love is still alive, most marriages end in divorce or there isnt love in the relationship, just love for their children.

I snap out of my thoughts when Jack sits next to me
"I love you, you know that right?" Jack says and I give him a funny look
"Of course I know that, you're my big brother and I love you too" I say, he pulls me into him so my head is now on his chest

"Its cause, with me recording stuff and not being around you as much as I used to be, I thought maybe you thought I didn't love you" He says and I shake my head
"I know you're busy, and I understand it when you're not around, but I'll always know you love and care for me" I say, he kisses the top of my head

"You're growing up so fast Miley, one of these days you're going to introduce me to your boyfriend and I'll have to kick his ass if he hurts you in any way" He says and I giggle
"That wont happen because my boyfriend will be a great guy and you guys will get along just fine" I say, he chuckles

"I pray that will happen. I want my baby sister to have a strong, smart, good man by her side that will protect her from anyone and anything. That will work hard to give you everything you deserve" He says, I smile
"I love you Jack, I love you so much big bro" I say and close my eyes
"I love you too M-" Jack says but is cut off as we feel the jet is falling

"Whats going on?!" I yell and I see dad tell Joe something and he comes back shaking his head. I look out the window to see ocean and land far ahead
"Dad?!" I yell and he looks at me then back to Joe and says something as Jack holds me tight and our parents come to us

"Sweetheart I love you so much, I'll always be with you forever until we meet again" Mom says with tears running down her cheeks
"Whats going on?" I ask on the verge of crying
"Baby, I love you okay? I'll always be here" Dad says pointing to my heart,"I'll always love you" He says and I hug him and mom then see Joe putting something on in the back, Jack pulls me into his arms and I notice he's crying

"I love you Miley, so much" He says and I cry, the tears run down my cheeks like a waterfall
"Miley, you have to go with Joe, he'll take care of you and protect you, you have to go with him now" Dad says and I shake my head
"What about you guys?" I ask, he wipes my tears
"We'll be watching over you, forever" He says and kisses my forehead as Joe straps something around my waist

"Daddy" I cry
"I love you princess" He says
"Mommy" I hiccup as she kisses my forehead
"Te amo princessa" She cries
"Jack" I cry even harder, my visions blurry
"I love you baby sis, so so much" Jack says and squeezes my hands before letting go.

Joe pulls me with him out the emergency door and into the sky, I look at the jet and see it crash onto land by the water then explode making me cry even more
"Sshh Miley, I'm sorry" Joe says and I sniffle as tears keep falling with Joe repeating 'I'm sorry' to me

A/N: translation of "te amo princessa" = "i love you princess"

So yeah Miley's mom was Latina while her dad was British.

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