Poetry and Pictures Pt 2

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hey, please check out the note at the end! thanks!!

The Merriloft Hotel was right across from your work, as you found out. It was annoyingly convenient, and robbed you of an excuse not to see the one person you were so desperately trying to avoid.

"Floor 5, please," you said to Gavin, the house elf running the elevator.

"Have a nice weekend?" Gavin asked, punching the button.

You thought of your encounter with Newt and grimaced. It had left you sore and feeling terribly guilty. "Sort of." You replied.

"Just sort of?"

You gave Gavin a sad smile. "Yeah, just sort of," The elevator pinged as you reached the fifth floor. "Thanks, Gavin. See you later."

"See you, (Y/N)."

You stepped out of the elevator and into the busy hallway. "Hi (Y/N)!" The receptionist, Pam, called, waving her hand in your direction. You weaved through the traffic in her direction, giving her a weary smile.

"Hi, Pam. How was your weekend?"

"Oh, it was great," she beamed. "Jim and I went out to dinner!"

You gasped. "Finally! Tell me everything."

"Well, on Friday after work he just came over and asked and I said yes! I think we really hit it off!"

"Of course you did. He's been pining after you for like, three years." You laughed.

Her face went red. "What about you? What'd you do this weekend?"

That damned question again. "Eh, it was... alright. Have I ever told you about Newt Scamander?"

"That guy from Hogwarts?" Pam nodded. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, I bumped into him on the street. And it was... well, it wasn't fun to say the least." You told her of your interaction with Newt.

"Oh, (Y/N)," she gasped. "That's bad."

You looked at your hands and sighed. "Yeah, I know. I mean, I'd just seen him for the first time in how many years? And on Valentine's Day, no less!" You threw your hands up in the air. "It was weird that he wanted to have that conversation right then, you know?"

Pam paused. "Yeah, but I can see where he's coming from..."

"Pam, you can't be serious!"

"He wanted some closure! Can you blame him for wanting to sort things out?"

"Yes. Yes, I most definitely can."

"He missed you, and to me it sounds like you were both really hurt after you moved. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he never stopped caring about you." Pam said matter-of-factly.

You sighed, trying to fight down your risking blush. "I don't know, Pam. It's a really complicated situation."

"His hotel is right across the street. I think you should go talk to him. I mean, you were friends once, right? Maybe it's not too late..."

"For what?" You asked. "He's going back to England in two days."

Pam smiled sadly. "(Y/N), we both know this job isn't for you. You've been talking about quitting for weeks! Maybe this is a sign! Isn't he writing a book?"

You sighed and looked away, out the window towards the big city and the Merriloft Hotel. "Yes."

"You could go with him!"

You snapped your head back to Pam, your mouth dropping open. "Are you crazy?!"

She laughed. "I'm not, but you definitely are if you stay. He wants to be your friend, that's all. And even if he does want something more..."

Newt Scamander x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now