Art and Hunger

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I change back into my clothes as the other boys continue to point at my chest. I have to try and contain my Chat Noir side, but its more difficult that i thought. This never happens. 

After PE, i manage to see Marinette as she leaves the changing rooms. We're probably the last people leaving. I creep behind her, making her jump. She rolls her eyes.

'What lessons do you have next,' I ask.

'I have Art now, then Maths,'

'I have art too, then biology, so i'll meet you outside the maths department,'

'I didn't agree to this,' She says as we walk into the classroom.

'Well, I decided for both of us,'

I follow her and sit in my place next to Nino. We are sat together coincidentally on the seating plan, however Mr Auguste doesn't really mind as long as we actually get our work done. Today, we have been assigned to experiment with different brush techniques on our easels to 'create a masterpiece that expresses your individuality,'.

Whilst I'm squeezing paint onto my palette, I feel my stomach rumble. I feel so hungry, eventhough it's only been an hour since lunch. I can't focus on my work, so I do random strokes of blacks and greys onto the easel. I look over Nino, who is doing a tartan kinda thing. It looks pretty cool. There's a gap, then Marinette and Alya are sat together, also painting. A groan escapes my stomach. Why the hell am I so hungry?

Mr Auguste leaves the classroom to restock the paints. I sieze the chance and dip my paint in green before flicking the paintbrush, leaving bright specs on Marinette's face. Her facial expression is priceless, and I can't help but laugh at her, until I feel something land on my cheek, down onto my art-apron. Red paint.

I dip two brushes in random colours and walk towards marinette, who quickly apologises, 'I'm so sorry, Adrien, please don't..'

To ruin the fun, Mr Auguste re-enters the room. I pretend to be admiring Marinette's art before returning to mine.

The rest of the day goes agonisingly slowly. My stomach is continuously rumbling, and I remember that I'm meeting Marinette.

A massive crash happens, and everyone is frantically running out the classrooms.

An Akuma now, really?

I turn round the school building, making sure nobody else is there, before opening my bag to see Plagg grinning at me.

'Feeling hungry, are you?' He smirks, and I ignore him as I call out the two words that change me into chat noir.

I run back out to see a massive stony figure.


He hasn't seen me yet, and whilst I'm thinking of a good pun to use when I ambush him, a familiar spotted figure joins me.

'm'lady,' I acknowledge her presence and she rolls her eyes.

'I don't understand,' she fiddles with her fingers.


'I didn't know that a person could be akumatised more than once,'

'don't worry, m'lady, if we beat him once, we can beat him again,'

She smiles, 'lets get to it then, Kitty,'

She swings her yoyo and I launch my baton, both of us landing infront of the akuma, who smashes his fist into the ground, sending us soaring and collapsing in the park. I end up landing on top of Ladybug.

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