Aunt May

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Peter's pov.

After swinging back home, Aunt May asked, "Where have you been? I've been calling all the neighbors and your friends and they didn't know where you were!"
"Sorry," I sighed. I hated lying to her, but because of me being Spiderman I've had to lie to her a lot. "I had something to do in the Stark tower, and I didn't know I had slept.."
"Ok. Just tell me next time, ok? You seem happy to be there, and I'm happy for also making eggs for breakfast, you want some?" Aunt May was being really nice today. Not saying that she's bad all the time, but she's acting a bit different. " You ok, May?"
"Yeah. I just woke up today missing your uncle, Ben." He passed away half a year ago. He was murdered, stabbed in the heart and lost too much blood. The murderer was never found. "I don't blame you... I really liked him too, and I miss him, a lot."

Time skip.
Finally got to school. Y/n was waiting at my locker, holding her textbooks close to her chest. "you're late," she said in a joking voice.
"Wait, what? The bell never rang yet."
"You always come about fifteen minutes earlier and you never came on the bus..."
"Oh yeah, Aunt May drove me to school."
"Ok, cool. Just wondering if you were ok."
"Why would I not be ok?"
"Something happened last night, and someone told me something that make me wonder about you." I started to get a headache just when she said that, and I remembered what had happened with her and me, as spiderman, and that I passed out. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked.
"I don't know... But sure." He explained everything that I could remember. "... And then he passed out. " We were already walking to class. "Could you tell me what happened after he passed out?" I asked, because I don't know what happened and she was there the whole time.
"Ok...well, uh, his watch still lit up, from talking to Tony Stark, and he told me to answer a few questions like who am I and where we were. He just ended the call or whatever that was, and this guy called Bruce, Banner, I think, came to get spiderman and Iron man came in his suit and to a look at things but there wasn't really much, so they left."
"that's crazy, like an amazing way! Did anything weird happen?"
"Yeah... Spiderman called me by my real name..."

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