19. Truth Comes Out

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Bradley's pov

I parked the car and got out. I walked down the peer before I went down to the beach. I walked down the beach when I got to the sea I skipped rocks on the water.

I looked out at the sea as the wind blew through my hair. I thought about how my mum could do this to me.

As I skipped rocks on the water I heard someone yelling my name. It sounded a lot like Carmen.

I turned to see her and the lads.

"Brad-ley" she said as she got to me. I smiled a little.

Carmen's pov

"Brad-ley" I say as I got to him and pushed my hair out of my face and looked at him.

"What are you doing here Carmen?" He asked me as I tried to game my breath

"I have something important to tell you" I say

"Well what is it?" He asked me

"Uh wow this is a lot harder than I thought" I say

"Just spit it out Carmen" he says to me

"I have feelings for you!" I yell

"Why did you realize that?" He asks me looking up at me cause he's sitting down

"The night we came to the beach" I say

"Well Carmen I don't know what to tell you honestly" he's says looking to see the lads standing a few feet behind me.

"Don't you dare say that. I know you love me" I say

"When have I told you that?" He says standing up to look down at me

"Well let's see you told me at the hospital. Oh yeah you told me the night you came home drunk and tried to kiss me. I said don't and you told me that you love me." I tell him

"Carmen you just. You can't!" He says

"Can't what?" I say

Then he smashed his lips to mine. He cupped my face with his hands.

Bradley's pov

I just smashed my lips to Carmen's and I heard wolf whistles coming from the lads and I smiled which caused her to smile.

I pulled away and pulled Carmen close to me and she looked out the sea with the side of her face rested on my chest.

The lads ran over and I turned to look at them smiling.

"Didn't we say that things could turn out for the better?" Tristan says as I smiled down at Carmen

"Yeah yeah I know" I say pulling Carmen even closer to me as we looked at them. She leaned up and pecked my lips. I pecked her back.

Today was hell, but turned out great cause I have Carmen. Thing is Carmen goes home in a week. I got the girl of my dreams.

Moving In With My Bully *a bradley simpson love story* Where stories live. Discover now