Chapter 18

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"That's it!!" You exclaim.

Suddenly, loud screeches in the background were heard. The demodogs..

Hopper grabs all the guns he could find, which was only two. He had one of his own and gave the other to Nancy, who you were surprised who could shoot. Steve had the bat and stood in the living room, with Hopper and Nancy. Everyone else stood behind them.

"There's no way Will connected it that fast. He has to go through the run tunnels and everything," you say as you wait for any kind of movement.

"Where are they?" Max asks as she watches everyone.

Lucas had his sling shot, Mike had a random cup thingy, and you grabbed a kitchen knife before you ran into the kitchen.

Then, you hear another screech, only closer. Then, you hear it hit against the outside of the wall, near the bushes.

"What is it doing?" Nancy asks.

"Teasing," You say as you point your knife at the side window. Then there was more clattering at the front of the house. Suddenly, you got really dizzy.

"Ah shit," you say as you stumble to the ground.

LY/n what's wrong?!" Hopper yells.

"Eleven," you say loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What about her?!" Mike asks as he helps you back up.

You didn't respond.

Only a demodog was thrown through the window and onto the ground in the house. It was dead. Then the doors unlocked on their own.

"She's here," you smirk and wait for her to walk in. She slowly steps in and everyone drops their weapons. You cry and run up to her.

"Sister," You say while still crying.

"Sister," she says letting a few tears go down her cheek.

"Sister?" A few people ask. You step out of the way to let her hug Mike.

"Eleven," he whispers.

"Mike," She says back.

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-," "353 days. I heard," El says while cutting Mike off.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike asks confused.

"I wouldn't let her," Hopper says as everyone turns to him.

"What the hell is this. Where have you been?" Hopper asks somewhat angrily, looking at El.

"Where have you been?" El shoots back. But Hopper hugs her as she hugs back.

"You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike yells at Hopper as he pushes him.

"Hey! Let's talk, alone," Hopper says while grabbing Mikes collar of his shirt. He takes Mike into another room of the house.

"Protecting her? Protecting her?!!?" Mike yells as the door shuts and locks.

"Well damn," you say a you look at El.

You hug her again, "We have a lot we need to catch you up on."

She chuckles and nods. You let El hug Dustin and Lucas, missing them as well.

"We missed you," Lucas says.

"I missed you too," El says back while hugging them both.

"We talked about you pretty much everyday," Dustin says. Eleven gives him a strange look. She points in and at his mouth.

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