xxxiv| Consummatio

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"We'll fuck the pain away."

triginta quattuor

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triginta quattuor.


Perfect, or complete in every way.



I sat down next to her, "not tired at all."

She chuckled, "the alcohol would do that to you."

"I think any buzz I had is gone, thank God. How are you feeling?" I asked her.

She shrugged, "tired, mostly. Although I might spend some time with Jake before I go to sleep."

I laughed, "because a whole day with him isn't enough?"

She smiled, "it really isn't. Although I'm afraid that being in his room this late at night sets some expectations."

I shook my head, "not if you don't want anything to happen. He's Jake, he'd respect any decision you make."

"And you're okay with me leaving you alone?" She raised an eyebrow.

I sent her a soft smile, "I'll be fine. I think I'll play the piano for a little bit."

"Okay, but make sure you get changed first," Anastasia interrupted me as she stood up from the bed, heading towards the bedroom door.

"Yes mother," I teased her as she left the room.

I looked down at my dress, and shrugged, pulling the cardigan I was wearing off, because of how warm it was in the cabin. I took my shoes off and headed to the living room, where the piano was placed.

It was strange to play the piano after months of being away from it, considering I didn't even have a keyboard at home and school was the only place I could play it. I pressed a few keys to try and familiarise myself with the piano, because it seemed like every time I spent time away from it, I had to teach myself everything all over again.

I pressed the same keys over and over again, driving myself crazy as I stubbornly attempted to decipher how to play The River Flows In You by Yiruma, refusing to YouTube how to or even look at the notes on my phone.

It took me ages before I was able to completely remember how to play the song, finally pressing the keys seamlessly at around 2am, and it was only then that I realised I was almost in complete pitch black. The lights to all the rooms were off, and the only source of brightness came from outside, the natural light of the moon spilling into the living room.

In the middle of my playing, I heard footsteps approach, and I immediately removed my hands to stop the music midway.

"I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" I asked whoever had entered the living room from behind me.

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