Chapter 2- Detention

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< Third Person POV > 

Crabbe and Goyle hated that Harry and Draco have been getting so close and that they a best friends, they laugh at small things and make silly jokes about dumb things making class better, they are like giggling school girls when whispering.. After Goyle saw Ron, Hermione, and Harry out of bed he ran to tell Mcgonagall.. but he pulled Draco out of bed too.. he didn't know what was happening.. Goyle casted a charm on Draco to go and tell Mcgonagall what was happening and then would be broken when it happened so he ran back and Draco told Mcgonagall that the 3 were out.. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked down and stopped when Mcgonagall walked out of her classroom.. Draco looked dizzy "Draco?" Harry said in weak disbelief and Draco blinked weakly and his face was a bleak pale.. he looked like he was about to faint.. "you 4 have detention" she said looking at us, Draco blinked and looked around "what's happening?" he said looking around and Harry looked at his best friend "we got detention.." Ron muttered as they walked out "how?" Draco said and Harry told him "i don't remember getting up.. Goyle woke me up though.. i don't know why though... i'm dizzy" Draco muttered and Harry put his hand on the small of his back "i'll be upstairs in a bit.. i'ma take Draco to the restroom" Harry said and the two nodded, the two boys walked to the nearest bathroom and they sat against the wall.. Harry put his head on Draco's shoulder "i'm still confused" Draco said and Harry laughed softly "it's alright, we'll just have detention tomorrow, you need to use the bathroom?" he asked and Draco shook his head and watched their reflection off the small window across from them "i think Crabbe and Goyle are jealous of you" Draco said softly and Harry blushed "why? because i stole their best friend?" he said and Draco laughed softly "i think so, but that doesn't matter. It's amazing to have you as my best friend" he said and Harry blushed "same to you Dray" he said softly as they sat in the dim boys' laboratory "we should go to bed, i don't think we want another detention" he said and Harry nodded, they got up and left to their different common rooms.

It was the next night and they had detention with Hagrid, they were going to the forest to look for unicorns "Hermione and Ron, you'll come with me and 'arry and Malfoy will go together" he said and the two boys smiled at each other "you can take fang if you'd like, but he's a coward" Hagrid said handing them a lantern and we nodded, Fang trotted next to us as they walked next to each other. he held up the lantern, his hand was shaking lightly "Are you scared Draco?" he asked and he looked over at him and laughed "Scared?" he said and Draco smiled "you could hold my hand if you're scaaared" Draco blushed "but i'm not scared Har-" Draco turned a bright red as a howl came from the woods, Draco looked down and saw his hands were tangled with Harry's.. they both blushed and Harry smiled up at Draco "looks like you are" Harry said softly and Draco smiled, they walked for a while with their hands tangled lightly and then they stopped.. Harry felt Draco shaking and he squeezed his hand as they watched a black figure lean over a unicorn.. drinking it's blood... it turned to them and casted a spell and they fell.. they jumped up, their lantern was shattered "sectumsempra" the person muttered and a flash of dark, navy blue shot through the sky and hit Harry and he fell to the ground "Harry!" Draco yelled and he fell next to him, down to his knees and cupped the small boy's face.. the figure was gone and Harry was bleeding from his chest, a deep red soaked through his shirt.. Draco was panicking "oh my god Harry... please don't die.." he muttered running his fingers through Harry's hair, his glasses were shattered next to him, Draco fumbled with his wand as he was shaking so hard and shot sparks into the sky "oh Harry... please... wake up..." Draco said and Harry groaned quietly "i'm not going to- die- Draco" he said very weakly and Draco brushed Harry's cheek lightly... footsteps ran down the path to them, Draco was just standing up and he was pulling Harry into his arms.. "what happened??" Hermione said quickly "i don't know, there was a thing that was eating the unicorn.. it shot a spell at Harry and now he's bleeding from his chest...shh Lion" Draco said as Harry groaned at the pain, they went to the hospital wing as quickly as they could and Harry was sat on the bed and disappeared behind the curtains.. Draco's foot bounced quickly as he looked at the curtains "Malfoy, chill" Ron said looking at the sheepish, pale, sick looking blonde "sorry-" Draco muttered and he looked away as he blushed... Draco looked down at his hands, he had Harry's glasses in his fingers and he closed them slightly and looked through the glass where he always looked to see his own from the sparkle in Harry's green eyes.. he felt like crying but he knew he couldn't but his breath hitched "Malfoy? are you crying?" Ron said and Draco looked up "Malfoy's don't cry thank you very much" he said blinking away tears "but- i feel like it" he muttered looking away.. Draco look out his slim gray and deep wood wand.. and tapped Harry's glasses and they repaired themselves.. "Malfoy, go to your dorm" Hermione said as they turned to leave and Draco looked up and frowned "but-" he muttered but stopped, they already left.. he sighed and sat on a bed next to Harry's closed area and sat looking at his feet...

Draco stayed up almost all night.. looking at the unconscious Harry next to him.. "Lion.." he said softly holding the boy's soft hand and Harry's lips spread into a small tiny smile which made Draco smile "Dragon" Harry said quietly and squeezed Draco's hand "how do you feel?" Draco said softly, it was like 4:39 in the morning... "tired and my chest hurts.." he muttered softly and he opened his eyes and smiled when he saw the blonde. Draco pushed Harry's fringe out of his face and grabbed the glasses from his pocket and opened them, he slid them onto Harry's face and fixed them on his nose "thank you" he said softly and Draco smiled "only for my Lion" Draco said softly and Harry blushed "i'm lucky to have you Dragon" he said lightly making Draco blush "what time is it?" Harry said slowly blinking.. "4:50" Draco said and Harry put his head back and pressed his head onto the pillow "why are you awake then?" he said softly and Draco looked down at Harry's hand and gently rubbed it with his thumb "i wanted to stay here and wait for you to wake up.." he said softly and Harry blushed, but smiled at the sheepish boy "you're so sweet Dragon" Harry chanted softly making him blushed "not as sweet as you Scarhead" Draco said brushing his thumb over Harry's scar making him smile. He didn't care that his scar was prickling under Draco's thumb.. he was happy that Draco was here with him "go to sleep Lion" Draco said softly and Harry smiled lightly "you should too" Draco smiled at Harry's small comment and nodded, there was a chair in the corner and he pulled it next to Harry and curled up on it so he could sleep next to the boy.. Draco reached over and held his hand after taking Harry's glasses off. "night Lion" Draco said softly, "night Dragon.." Harry said with a smile and Draco fell asleep with his head on his arms as he hand Harry's hand weakly..



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