44~His Decision

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My eyes flew open as a sudden wave of nausea woke me from my sleep.

Taehyung grunted as in my struggle to get out of bed, I whacked him on the ear none too gently. I frantically disentangled my legs from the covers before stumbling out and just barely managing to reach the toilet before my meager dinner from last night came up.

Sweat immediately collected the back of my neck and my legs trembled as my body dry heaved into the toilet for at least five minutes.

Sometime during that time someone had pulled my hair away from my face and gripped my shoulders tightly.

I finally collapsed on the bathroom, panting a little.

Taehyung gazed at me steadily, no disgust in his eyes as he took in my sweating, pale face. "Are you done?" He asked quietly.

I nodded a little. "For now." My voice was rough and raspy as if I'd been screaming for ten hours straight.

Two and a half months.

Three weeks to go.

So close, yet so far it seemed considering how quickly my body seemed to be deteriorating from me.

A simple walk around the park was enough to exhaust me as if I'd climbed Mt. Everest and I wasn't very hungry anymore.

I glared down at my hands, frustrated at how weak I'd become. I knew it was coming, and I had thought those sporadic bursts of my body not functioning was bad enough near the beginning of the three months.

This...this was much worse.

I felt disgusted with myself no matter how many times Taehyung repeated that I was still beautiful and that I needed to love myself.

About a month ago Taehyung had insisted I sleep with him in case I had an emergency. He kept insisting it was because he wanted to make sure I would be as stay safe as much as possible.

Yes, that was most likely one reason. But I strongly believed that the two main reasons for this new arrangement was because a: Yeontan always chose me over him to sleep with at night, and Taehyung was getting jealous; and b: my boyfriend was getting... manly urges more and wanted to ensure I was beside him.

He'd quickly learned his lesson to keep it in control when I hid one of his favorite Gucci belts the morning I found a hickey on my neck that I had not remembered receiving nor (more importantly) given permission for.

Taehyung had been in such frenzy as I sat on the couch sipping my tea, Yeontan sleeping on my lap, watching him calmly.

I finally got him to promise not to get out of control before I revealed the belt I'd hid in the freezer among the frozen spinach bags.

"Y/N?" Taehyung rubbed my shoulders soothingly, bringing me back to the present. "Sooner or later I think we should take you to the-"

"No hospitals," I interrupted sharply.

A small tick appeared in his jaw though his overall expression didn't change. "It's a wise option if you ask me."

I shook my head, instantly wincing at the motion sending sharp needle-like pains and making my eyes water. "They won't find anything, Taehyung."

"I don't care," a hint of anger stained the edge of his deep voice. "They're trained in the medical field and will find some way or another to perhaps help your body stabilize long enough."

I little sob escaped me. "No hospitals."

"Dammit Y/N, now you're just being stupid," Taehyung's grip on my shoulders tightened a little. "I understand maybe a week ago you still didn't want to do it, but look at yourself. You need to do something!"

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