Chapter 29 - Fulfillment

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Like last time, both were raised at the beginning of the transformation. Only this time, the whole thing was not accompanied by a thundering storm, but dominated by this brighter and brighter light that seemed to flow from both and was connected in a wide arc.

Rey suddenly felt ancient wisdom pouring into her mind. Knowledge that usually should not exist in her soul at her age. She felt that the two of them, now given the gift of great wisdom and knowledge, opened to conception. She closed her eyes and tried to receive all the information, knowledge and secrets that suddenly flowed in.

With a silent dimming of the bright light, the transformation ended, and both were gently carried to the ground, facing each other for a while speechless at a distance.

Then Rey could no longer keep silent and exclaimed: "Did you feel all this too, did you also have this sudden knowledge in you? I know how this planet originated, I know its plants and animals, its language and its history. I know the whole Jedi history, every master and every's incredible! " Rey looked up at Ben with a shake of his head: "Yes, I feel, I know it too, so much knowledge, so much what we have now to use for better purposes!"

She laughed happily and then became serious, "What if we don't do it right?" I had expected that so much wisdom would go hand in hand with more knowledge, but I feel the same as before, and my occasional doubts seem to be the same... only the power has changed extremely."

She met Ben hesitantly in the eyes. "Do you think we are worthy of this power?" Ben, thought about her question for a while, then approached her closely and replied, "One person alone could not carry that burden, but we are two, we complement each other, we balance each other out, we can be worthy of that power together."

He smiled and then winked at her mischievously: "Besides, it's not bad to be able to make such an impressive performance." He casually raised his right arm and, with a short circular motion, let all loose things float in the air around them. "Ben Solo!" Rey exclaimed in mock seriousness, putting her hands on her hips. "You sometimes have actually too much of your father in you!" She also raised her arm and with another dangling all floating things laid down gently on the ground again. Except for one smaller stone, he landed with a dull "plopp" on Ben's head. She could not help but laugh out loud when she saw his puzzled face.

"Well, you're a little beast!" he shouted in mock indignation. "You wanted it that way ..." He looked up into the sky and focused briefly. Immediately it started to rain. Rey shook his head affectionately: "That was a great idea for revenge, Mr. Solo, now we're both getting wet to the bone!"

He took her hand and ran towards the cave entrance. The storm whipped wind and water in their face, but they still laughed. Suddenly Ben stopped abruptly, causing Rey to hit his back.

"Hey, what are you doing there, we are already completely soaked, we should get into the cave quickly!" she called to him. But he turned slowly and grinned his hand in a wide arc over them both and ... on the spot the rain stopped!

But no, Rey's eyes widened in surprise, no, the rain had not stopped but now he was raging around her. Both of them, however, stood in absolute calm and dryness, as if protected by an invisible bubble. "You were that," she whispered, carefully touching the invisible barrier. She could easily pierce her with her hand, which was immediately wet with rain again. Rey withdrew his hand and laughed, "I'm not sure if we should use the force that way, but it's amazing!"

Ben smiled and said deep into her eyes, he devoured her with his eyes from top to bottom: "It's just a caring use, I just don't want you to kill yourself here in the cold rain because you were naughty and I had to take revenge..." he looked at her with mock seriousness.

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