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Love is precious and easy to break. You have to fight to get it into hands and you must at all costs keep in your hands. One misstep and everything fall into pieces. You must do a lot of effort to restore it. But if you really love that person, you'd really do anything.

"Garrett" Garrett turned and muttered something inaudible. When he heard laughter of two women, he shot to his feet. His eyes darted from (Name) to the woman beside her and he guessed it was her mother.
"Sorry" he said.
"Not necessary. I can perfectly understand that you are tired sometimes and can sleep for hours"
"I told you that my mother would be virtuous towards you," said (name).
"(Mother's name)" The woman smiled kindly. Garrett took her hand and kissed it like a gentleman.
"It is my honor," he said.
"You have some beaten on the hook" said (mother's name), as she looked at (Name).
"He came here wounded. On the side note. I don't known him that long. This is the 2nd time I see him" (Name) crossed her arms and looked at her mother abusive. She, of course, saw that her daughter lightly blushed.
"Injured? By what?" Asked (mother's name).
"I ... wasn't concentrated in my work and I'm attacked by guards" said Garrett.
"From what I've heard, you never lose concentrate in you work" said (Name).
"I can't explain how it happend" Garrett said, but he could perfecty explain why.
"That's not important now. The important thing is that you are taken care of and that you should recuperate. Come, let me guide you to the kitchen" said (mother's name) andtook Garrett down.
"Shall I take the key to Basso?" Garrett turned his head with a jerk to (Name), which leaned to her cabinet, playing with the key. She laughed when she saw his expression.
"Do not come home too late. And don't steal to much on the way" said (mother's name) and pulled Garrett further down. (Name) closed the door and get dressed.

"Calm down, Basso. It isn't that big of deal" (Name) was sitting on his table, flipping through a book while Jenivere sitting on her shoulder.
"He never lost concentrate. Why now?" Basso ran from one side of the room to the other, while he waved frustrated with his hands.
"Shoot me down and bury me under the clock tower. I don't know myself. He wouldn't say anything. Maybe the Queen know more" said (Name). "I'll ask her and as Garrett soon comes trough the door ... or through the window, you ask him" (Name) closed the book and stood up. Jenivere flew back on her stand. "In any case, the key is back and Garrett is not overly injured. He's still alive, so you still have your best thief" (Name) made a slight bow, before she walked out the door.
"You're one of my best thieves in the city, (Name). You and Garrett" sighed Basso.

(Name) float almost across the rooftops and she enjoyed the wind in her hood. She wanted to get to the Queen of Baggers and then go home. She don't wants her mother make more worried than necessary. She can miss all the panic and stress.
"The queen of the shadows honor me with a visit," said the Queen.
"That name is not for me," said (name).
"I do not see why not. You and Garrett are the best thieves in the city. And you know every shade of every building. Both outside and inside, "said the Queen.
"Thank you. It is an honor "
"How are you?" Asked the Queen.
"I sometimes feel alone, especially when my mother is with the Baron, as he once again comes home" The last she said with envy in her voice and the Queen laughed.
"I never liked him," she said. "I agree that with you"
"Can I ask you something? You know everything that happened in the city, wherever it takes place "
"I only know what is important," said the Queen.
"Also, what happened to us? I mean: the thieves in town "early (Name).
"Where are you going?" Asked the Queen. Nothing in her voice or demeanor betrayed that she knew anything, if she knew something.
"Garrett tonight come along with me. Let's say by accident. He was wounded and that by simply pick up a key from a safe "(Name) lowered her head. "I can not imagine where het get that suchs cut wound. I know where it was and there were not many guards. 2 in the basement "
"He lost a lot of blood, so he could not get to his hideout. That's why he ended up on you, "said the Queen.
"So you know what happened to him," said (name). She sounded worried and a smile appeared on the face of the Queen.
"Your head and mind do not work together, (Name). This can work to your disadvantage "(Name) looked annoyed the other way. "The funny thing is: I just told Garrett exactly the same" (Name) looked up. "But if you want to know what happened to Garrett, look into your past. And in a not so distant past. Rather what happened one week ago. Almost happened" The Queen spoke in riddles and (Name) was frustrated. Nevertheless, she thought. When she remembered it, she ran away. The Queen laughed. "2 small shadows, form a large one that even can dark the moon"

According to her mother Garrett left immediately after he has eaten. (Name) waited until her mother was asleep before she climbed out of her window and went to Basso.
"He's been here. But didn't say anything "said Basso.
"Where do I find him?" Asked (Name).
"Hey! With all due respect, I'm not going tell you that" said Basso.
"Then I'll find him myself" She wanted to leave, but Basso stopped her.
"Everything okay? You are so ... "
"I'm fine!" She pulled her arm away and left him alone and surprised behind.

She has searched whole city. She looked in every jewelry store, but she found no trace of him thaty he has been there. She herself has stolen some items and enough to pay for a cure for her mother. The last two weeks she became very ill and some doctors have no counsel. They think that she still missing her first husband. Most of the medicine are expensive and don't work, but (Name) has found one that works. Along the way, she had to flee for a few guards who have seen her buy the medicine. She find her way through the shadows, but because it started to rain and lightning, they saw her often in the flashes of light. Her only way out is the clock tower. There, she could hide until it stops. She fled the guards by climbing on the roof and through the window to slip inside. It was dark and (Name) had to get used to. She stepped unsuspectingly on, until she felt a little sting in her leg. Immediately she fell to the ground.
"What the ..." A little arrow get stuck her leg. She pulled it out and sniffed at it. "Paralysis poison!" A shadow moved and her hands put an arrow ready on her bow. "Come out!"
"Garrett! Is that you? "Out of the shadows and into the moonlight, it broke through clouds, Garrett came to her. "What are you doing here?"
"This is my hideout" said Garrett. "What are you doing here?" (Name) try to stand up, but immediately fell back down. Before she could say anything, Garrett ran away. A moment later he returned with a syringe and jabbed the needle into her leg.
"Antidote" he said.
"Very effective traps you have" Garrett grabbed her and held her right.
"I collect things," said Garrett.
"Then we are with two" said (Name).
"What are you doing?" Garrett asked again, while he guided (Name) towards his bed.
"Shelter from the storm" Not completely false, but she began to have doubts. If it were true, why would Garrett injured by what he heard? Why should he jump unnecessarily into action, if he had the chance to flee? She couldn't believe that this happened because of ... her. Sighing of the ruminations, she laid her head down. Her eyes were fixed upwards, but in the corner of her eye, she kept looking at Garrett, he leaning further on, at a large chest. He himself look at her now and then, but no longer than a few seconds. (Name) noted that those moments were more common. She shut her eyes, took a deep breath and looked at Garrett. "Is it true?" Garrett looked at her and she could clearly read on his face that he knew what she was talking about. "Garrett! You idiot! "
"I, an idiot?"
"Yes! You hurt yourself unnecessarily for someone you barely know"
"He was the one who almost got you into bed! God knows what happened!"
"I showed him which of us was the hardest and I won. I thrown him out personally. He doesn't say that of course, but his reputation is drilled into the ground! Why do you think he is a jeweler guard now?" Garrett said nothing and (Name) sighed annoyed.
"I did what came to my mind and that was to protect someone"
"Someone you barely know and no needed protection" said (Name) and looked away from him. She felt the icy silence deep into her soul, but she didn't break it. She didn't even know how.
"I myself don't know what came over me" said Garrett. That made (Name) sat up and looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"I heard the conversation, when it was about you and when the watchman told it, I was blind with rage. I myself can't understand why I continued to listen and attacked, while I had the best chance to flee" Garrett didn't look at het her, but he could feel her eyes sting in the back of his head. He sighed and went upstairs. "Try to sleep. You may go in the early morning" he said. (Name) tried to understand his words. She couldn't sleep as a result. Then a moment later, she heard a quiet, so she suspected he was asleep. She stood up, tried to find her balance and went to look. Garrett was asleep, but her attention was drawn to the collections he had, including paintings and golden city plaques. All his collections were complete, the flowers collection isn't. That missed a brooch. The sleep rhythmof Garrett was equally disturbed because he turned around in the uncomfortable position in which he was lying, but soon he quietly breathing.
"If I have to go out of it that I bring you head to spin, I can only say that you do the same with me," she said.

Garrett woke up, for him still unknown reason. It was very quiet, so by noise it couldn't. He stood up and felt the stiffness come. His first thought was (Name) and he went to look. But she was already gone. On the bed lay a piece of paper and a brooch consisting of roses made of rubies. The last thing he needed from the flowers collection.

Even though it wasn't necessary ... thanks for defending me. As thanks I give you this brooch. You missed this one in your collection.

Steal Something Untouchable Garrett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now